International Symposium on Pentecostal Mission


On February 3-4, 2003 an International Symposium on Pentecostal Missions was hosted by, and held at, Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio City, Philippines. This conference was jointly sponsored by International Forum of Pentecostal Missiologists, the Assemblies of God World Mission, USA (through its Northern Asia, and Asia-Pacific Regional Offices) and Center for Asian Missions.

The theme and title of the conference was “Reflecting on One Century of Pentecostal Mission.” It was organized by a committee which represents the five major regions of the world. They were: Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen (Europe), Miguel Alvarez (Latin America), Gary McGee (North America), Mathew Clark (Africa), and Wonsuk Ma (Asia & chair). Each committee member coordinated presentations from their region, ensuring that as wide as possible a picture of world Pentecostal missions emerged. The total number of students and scholars that participated the sessions was in excess of 100 persons.

Twelve papers were presented over the two days of the conference, and a number of other significant non-presented contributions were included in the conference collection of papers. Many of the papers were presented from the perspective of traditional “target” countries and communities, thus showing how those who once passively received the gospel are now also prime movers in sharing it, both among their own folk, and abroad.

Presenters (in addition to the committee members) were: Allan Anderson; Ayuk Ausaji Ayuk; William Filson; Conrado L. Garcia; Roger E. Hedlund; Young-hoon Lee; Paul W. Lewis; Julie C. Ma;  Warren B. Newberry; and Bal Krishna Sharma. Non-presenting participants of the symposium are: William K. Kay; Agrippa Khathide; L. Grant McClung, Jr. and Jean-Daniel Pluss.

Workshops were held concerning the future of theologizing on Pentecostal missions. The possibility of holding global or regional consultations on Pentecostal missions was debated, and the future publication of an international journal of Pentecostal missiology is still under consideration.

The next global conference to be held in this format will be in Johannesburg, South Africa, in September 2004, immediately prior to the Pentecostal World Conference. The tentative topic is Pentecostal Contextualization. Auckland Park Theological Seminary will be the host (with Mathew Clark [] as the contact person).

More detailed information and presented studies can be found at