Report on Conference of Pentecostal Theologians in India

Dr K.C. Abraham, Director of South Asia Theological Research Institute, Banglore inaugurated the Conference of Pentecostal Theologians in the after noon of May 23, 1998 at the New Life Bible College, Banglore. Twenty five delegates from all over India representing the states of UP, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, W. Bengal, Tamil Nadu Karnatak and Kerala were present.

This very first attempt by the Indian Pentecostal theologians saw seven papers presented (in the order of presentation)
1. Paulson Pulikottil: Indian Pentecostal Theologian at the Threshold of a New Millennium.
2. V.V. Thomas: Evangelical Spirituality and Ecumenical Spirituality
3. M. Stephen: The Development of Pentecostal Theology
4. Wonsuk Ma (Presented in absentia): Towards an Asian Pentecostal Theology
5. Joseph Abraham: Contemporary Feminist Hermeneutics and its Impact on Pentecostal Theology and Interpretation.
6. John Thanickal: The Holy Spirit who Communicates
7. Issac V. Mathew: Faith Healing and Mental Health

It was decided that such conferences must be held regularly. A committee comprised of five members were selected to convene the conference for the year 1999 to be held in Banglore. Future annual conferences will be as follows:
May 25-29, 1999, Banglore (Venue to be announced later)
2000, New Theological College, Dehra Dun, UP.
2001, Filadelfia Bible College, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
Papers and responses of the 1998 Conference will be published before the next conference.

Dr Paulson Pulikottil
Union Biblical Seminary
PB No. 1425
411 037
Phone: 0212-513597 (H); 511747/511203 (W)
Fax: 0212-515471