Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is recruiting peacemakers to travel to Iraq as the U.S. continues to threaten war with that country. The next delegation, CPT's fourth since October, is scheduled for February 1-15, 2003. Although there are many uncertainties in the current political climate that make plans necessarily tentative, it is MANDATORY that prospective delegates APPLY BY JANUARY 16 to enable enough time for visa processing. Applicants must have a valid passport that is free from any indication of travel to Israel.

Delegations will stay in Baghdad or other cities in Iraq. They will visit facilities such as hospitals, schools and markets, and meet with representatives of governmental and non-governmental agencies. In case of U.S. attack, delegates will strive to be present in places that include people and institutions that support life. An effort will be made to connect with churches in Iraq.

As in all CPT delegations, participants accept the risks to personal safety and uncertainties of travel inherent in being present in a conflict zone. An additional risk for U.S. citizens is that travel to Iraq violates U.S. federal law. In the event that bombing actually starts, travel in and out of Iraq could be difficult or delayed. Delegates should be prepared for the possibility that their term may be extended due to situations beyond the control of organizers.

Minimum age for participants is 21, no upper age limit.

Cost of the delegation is $2000 US, which includes round-trip airfare to Amman, Jordan, simple accommodations and food, all on-ground travel, and other team support.

CPT seeks participants who are interested in human rights work, committed to nonviolence, and willing to participate in team worship and reflection. In addition to contacting media and government officials before travel to Iraq, delegates will be invited to develop plans to share about the trip upon return to their home communities and congregations.

For more information or to apply, contact CPT at the address below, or see CPT's website at: http://www.cpt.org. Fax completed applications to 773-277-0291 or e-mail to cpt3@igc.org.

Christian Peacemaker Teams is supported by the Church of the Brethren, Quakers, and Mennonites, as well as other Christian bodies. Iraq delegations are organized in cooperation with Voices in the Wilderness.

Claire Evans
Personnel and Delegation Coordinator
Christian Peacemaker Teams
PO Box 6508
Chicago, IL 60680
Tel: 773-277-0253; Fax: 773-277-0291

Christian Peacemaker Teams is an initiative of the historic peace churches (Mennonites, Church of the Brethren, and Quakers) with support and membership from a range of Catholic and Protestant denominations.