The Malta Consultation
International Charismatic Consultation

January 20-23, 2004


132 people from 30 countries responded to the ICC invitation to attend a four day consultation on "The Suffering Church," held at the Coastline Hotel, Salina Bay in Malta. Those present came from the mainline Protestant Churches, from the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches, and from Pentecostal and Non-Denominational Churches all over the world. There were bishops, pastors and priests, theologians, and politicians, human rights workers, businessmen and women, and local church members from a variety of backgrounds.

Speakers for the main conference included Lord David Alton; Abuna Elias Chacour, a Palestinian Melkite priest who has built a school for Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Druize pupils, and works for reconciliation in Palestine; Bishop Dr. Hilarion Alfeyev, who is the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church to the European Union; Rev. Sam Yeghnazar, an Iranian pastor resident in England; and Fr. Prof. Vasile Mihoc, an Orthodox priest from Romania who is a leader in The Lord's Army movement, persecuted during the communist era. The morning Bible studies were led by Professor Cecil M. Robeck, Jr., Dr. Harold D. Hunter, and Rev. Johannes Fichtenbaur.

Dr. Harold D. Hunter and Professor Cecil M. Robeck, Jr., organized a theological stream that spoke to the conference theme. Below are presenters as they appeared on the program. It is hoped that these papers will be published.


Wednesday, January 21:

9:00 - 10:15 am                 Archbishop John Onaiyekan, Roman Catholic, Nigeria: “The Scandal and the Glory of the Cross”

3:00 - 4:30 pm                  Mons. Felix A. Machado, Roman Catholic, Vatican [PCID]: "Spiritual Foundations for Interreligious Dialogue and Reflection on its Present Day Practice"

5:00 - 6:30 pm                  David Maxwell, Anglican, UK: "Christianity in Post-Colonial Africa"

Thursday, January 22:

9:00 - 10:15 am                 Chin Khua Khai, Pentecostal, Mynamar: "Human Rights and the Church in Myanmar"

10:45 - 12:45 pm               Plenary with Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev, Orthodox, Russia

3:00 - 4:30 pm                  Despina Prassas, Orthodox, USA: "An Orthodox Response to Persecution: The Situation in the Middle East"

5:00 - 6:30 pm                  Helen Rhee, Non-denominational, USA: "Persecution, Martyrdom, and Christian Self-Definition in the Early Church.”

Friday, January 23:

9:00 - 10:15 am                 Ioan Tipei, Pentecostal, Romania: Persecution of the Roman Church in the Twentieth Century

10:30 - 11:45 am               Valdis Teraudkalns, Baptist, Latvia: "Anatomy of Suffering: Consequences of Persecutions in the Past for the Church in Post Soviet Era"

11:45 am - 1:00 pm            Tom Finger, Mennonite, USA: “An Anabaptist-Mennonite Theology of Suffering”

3:00 - 4:30 pm                  Keith Warrington, Pentecostal, UK: "A Spirit Theology of Suffering"

5:00 - 6:30 pm                  Dariusz Cupial, Roman Catholic, Poland: “Martyria and Koinonia: Theological Reflection on the History of Poland”