Academic Societies and the likeSchedule of Academic Conferences Fill out this form to join the PCTII global database which is designed for research specialists--graduate students (Th.M. and Ph.D.) and professors. AfricaAfrica Journal of
Pentecostal Studies Association of Evangelicals of Africa On June 11, 1998, the Pentecostal Theological Association of Southern Africa was launched in Johannesburg. Dr. Mathew Clark, chair, announced a forthcoming international conference and a newsletter. Dr. Dennis Erasmus serves as secretary. Three additional committee members are: Dr. Christo van den Berg (publications), Dr. Francois Moller (ecumenism), and Dr. Pieter Grabe. This group is no longer active. Society For Pentecostal Theology. Centre for Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies (CPCS), Accra, Ghana. The Relevant Pentecostals gave birth to a significant document by the same name in
addition to
the journal named Azusa. Contact Rev. Pravinand Maharaj, PO Box 45244 Chatsglen
Republic of South Africa. 31-291883 and 011- 27-31-431239 ph or Rev. Japie
Lapoorta, 17
Driebergen St., Highbury, Kuils River 7580, Republic of South Africa. 011-27-21-9038398
21-9033931 fx. This group is no longer active. Asia
Asian Pentecostal Society Asia Pacific Theological Association--APTA The Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies is an academic publication sponsored by Asia Pacific Theological Seminary and Asia Pacific Theological Association. The first issue was released January, 1998. Initially the journal will be published annually. Contributions are not limited to but particularly welcome from Pentecostal-Charismatic scholars and non-participating scholars on Asian topics. Dr. William W. Menzies, Chancellor of APTS serves as editor while Dr. Wonsuk Ma, Academic Dean of APTS serves as associate editor. Japan Society for Pentecostal Studies. The officers are: David Hymes, Masakazu Suzuki, Ichiro Noshiro, Paul Tsuchido Shew. The Spirit & Church is published by the Gospel Theological Seminary. Dr. Yeol Soo Eim is Editor and the Associate Editor is Dr. Kwang-Jin Jang. Contact Rev. Kwang-Jin Jang at: 143-31, Yongdu-dong, Jung-ku, Taejon City, 301-110, South Korea; tel: 82-042-257-1663; fax 82-042-257-538 International Holistic Salvation Theological Society. Contact: Pastor Chun Yong Won, Director of Theology Section, International Theological Institute, Full Gospel Church in Yoido. Korean Pentecostal Society Donn Theological Journal. Published by Luther W. New Jr., Theological College, India Conference of Pentecostal Theologians - India Asia Charismatic Theological Association--ACTA EuropeEuropean Research Network on Global Pentecostalism or GloPent. GloPent is an initiative by three European universities to network research by European scholars on global Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. European Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Association--EPCRA European Pentecostal Theological Association. Annual conferences. President is Paul Alexander. Publish JEPTA. Dr. William Kay is editor. Paternoster Press launched the "Studies in Charismatic and Pentecostal Series" with a goal of publishing three volumes a year. There are two levels of writing anticipated. The one will look at doctoral dissertations, masters' theses, research projects as revised to ensure accessibility, relevance, and clarity of expression for the intended readership. The other will intended for leaders, pastors, theological students and educated laypersons. It is projected that for every one publication of the former, two of the latter group will be printed. The editorial board comprises Profs. Max Turner and Andrew Walker and Drs. Keith Warrington, Neil Hudson and Mark Cartledge. Interested contributors are encouraged to contact Dr. Keith Warrington. The Hollenweger Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements was founded by faculty members of the Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam) and of Azusa theologische hogeschool. As one of the activities of the Center, an electronic journal will be published under the name PentecoStudies: Online Journal for the Scientific Study of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movement. This journal will consist of two sections: one dealing with topics in the field of the social sciences and the other with topics of a theological nature. Each article will be submitted to blind peer review and will be published as soon as it has been approved. The journal is not published in issues but in annual volumes, archived on the website. Once accepted, an article is added to the website. The journal will also contain a book review section. The Center has its own PhD program linked to the Vrije Universiteit. Members of the board include, Dr. Andre Droogers, Dr. Johannes Tennekes, Hijme Stoffels and Dr. Cees van der Laan. Geir Lie is senior editor of Refleks - med karismatisk kristendom i fokus. The inaugural issue featured articles from the November 2001 Karismatisk Forum seminar, held in conjunction with the Lutheran School of Theology in Oslo. Subscription costs are $25 per issue with one to two issues printed each year in the Norwegian and English languages. One issue is available at www.pneumafoundation.com/resources/in.depth.shtml Pentecostal and Charismatic Research Fellowship. First annual conference held December 7, 1996 at Regents Theological College, Nantwich, Cheshite, England. Contact Rev. Keith Warrington. This group is no longer active. Please notice Bulletin voor Charismatische Theologie edited by M.F.G. Parmentier and W.W.Venhoef in the Netherlands. Professor Parmentier currently teaches at the Free University of Amsterdam. This journal has ceased publication. Although publication ceased in 1983, Theological Renewal, edited by Thomas Smail should be consulted. European Charismatic Consultation Theological Stream. The coordinator is Mr. Wim Schot, Dr. Staringstraat 10, 7251 AL-Vorden, Netherlands. 5752-1192 ph. This group is no longer active. Latin America*Comision Evangelical Pentecostal Latinoamericana-CEPLA. January
2002: Now see RTISPALC.
Made possible by assistance from the World Council of Churches, Revista Latinoamerican de Teologia Pentecostal is sponsored by the Instituto Peruano de Estudios de la Religion. Articles are available in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. For more information, contact Bernardo Campos in Peru. Dr. Norberto Saracco (Argentina) served as director of the short-lived (1979-1983) Fraternity of Latin American Pentecostals. North AmericaCanadian Pentecostal Research Network is a is a loosely connected group of scholars who study pentecostalism in Canada from a variety of disciplines including sociology, theology, religious studies, cultural studies, anthropology, and history. This website contains a variety of resources for students and researchers who want to study the movement in its many forms. The site is maintained by Dr. Michael Wilkinson, Associate Professor of Sociology, Trinity Western University, Langley British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity publishes innovative and constructive research that is multidisciplinary, contextual and comparative. The Journal accepts submissions that reflect the growing scholarship on Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity from a range of disciplines, methodologies, and theoretical viewpoints. While the Canadian context is an important focus of such research, the journal will especially publish those articles that locate Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity in a number of contexts including Canadian religious history, North American Pentecostalism, and global society. Publishing Information : The Journal will publish articles in English and French. Submissions are to be sent to the editors, Dr. Peter Althouse and Dr. Michael Wilkinson. ISSN 1916-6087 Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity Society For Pentecostal Studies The Journal of Pentecostal Theology is now published by Brill but was most recently published by Sage Publications. Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research is published once a year by PCTII. General editor is Dr. Harold D. Hunter, PO Box 12609, Oklahoma City, OK 73157. 405-787-7110 phone. The Pneuma Review is published by the Pneuma Foundation. OceaniaAustralasian Pentecostal Studies Association of Pentecostal and Charismatic Bible Colleges of Australasia,
PCBC. Fellowship for Pentecostal Studies in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Contact Warren Hight, Secretary, 29 Rewarewa Road, Te Atatu
Peninsula, Auckland 1008, New Zealand. Fax 64-9-814-8807. Crucible produced by the Australian Evangelical Alliance. Contributions are welcome by and about Pentecostal and Charismatic scholarship. The Renewal Fellowship at the Uniting Church Centre publishes Renewal Theology. Address is: PO Box 674, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia, fax 7-377-9796. Renewal Journal. PO Box 2111, Mansfield, Brisbane 4122, Australia. International International Forum for Pentecostal Studies. Organizes theological conferences in conjunction with the Pentecostal World Conferences. Next meeting will be August 2010 in Stockholm, Sweden. Committee members are: Dr. Opoku Onyinah (Africa); Lim Yeu Cheun (Asia), , Dr. Jean-Daniel Plüss (Europe), Dr. Miguel Alvarez (Latin America), Dr. Harold D. Hunter (North America), Dr. Wonsuk Ma, Member at Large.
*The 1er Encuentro Latinoamericano de Mujeres Pentecostales was held August 11-14, 1992 in Costa Rica.
World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education Society of Biblical Literature Church of God in Christ Office of Ecumenical Relations and Urban Affairs Hispanic Churches in American Public Life (NCAPL) Pentecostals and Charismatics for Peace and Justice Evangelicals for Social Action Center for Pentecostal Research, Northwest University Scholarly Engagement with Anglican Doctrine Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals (ISAE) Southern African Missiological Society The Lewis Wilson Institute for Pentecostal Studies Evangelical Theological Society Walter J. Hollenweger blog Center for Pentecostal Theology (USA) Personal page by Dr. Allan Anderson Personal page by Dr. Amos Yong Personal page by Dr. R. Marie Griffith Personal page by Mr. Stephen Hayes, South Africa Personal page about Dr. R. Andrew Chesnut Personal page by Dr. Paulson Pulikottil, Union Biblical Seminary, India Personal page by Dr. Raymond Pfister, France Personal Page by Dr. Margaret Poloma Personal page by Dr. Daniel Woods, Ferrum College Personal page by Rev. Lee R. Martin, Church of God School of Theology Resource Pages for Biblical Studies Brighton'91 brought together 150 pentecostal and charismatic scholars from six continents. The primary papers were published by Sheffield Academic Press under the title All Together In One Place. Christianity Net sponsored by Christianity Today