The Discipline

From the highest to the lowest of God's creation we see the
most perfect organization. The stars are all placed in order; the sun and moon
have their tabernacles; the solar system is a display of God's wonderful
arrangement. When we turn to God's dealings directly with man, we see the same
carefulness of system and order. Look at His government of the children of
Israel; at Sinai, laws are given, commandments delivered, and specifications are
laid out with most positive command to "see thou makest all things
according to the pattern shown thee in the Mount." When we come to the
works of Christ and His Apostles, we observe the same care for a simple but
sufficient form of Church Government. He chose His twelve Apostles, gave them
proper training, and gave them the commandments concerning the kingdom,
"Go, ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you alway, even unto
the end of the age." (Matt. xxviii, 20.)
The Apostles went forth, preaching everywhere, and the people
were converted and sanctified, forsook not the assembling of themselves together
as the manner of some now, but formed the saved into local congregations, and
called them Churches, and ordained Elders and Deacons, and always left some one
to look after the spiritual and temporal interest of the Church. Let us humbly
follow Christ, our great Leader, and take His word for our rule of faith and
practice. AMEN.

There is but one true God, everlasting, of infinite power,
wisdom and goodness; the maker and preserver of all things; and in unity of this
Godhead, there are three persons of one substance, power and eternity--the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The Son, Who is the Word of the Father, took man's nature in
the womb of the blessed Virgin; so that two whole and perfect natures-that is to
say, the Godhead and manhood-were joined together in one person, who truly
suffered, was crucified, died, was buried, rose from the dead, and took again
his body with all things appertaining to the perfection of man's nature,
wherewith he ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God to make
intercession for us, till He return to reign with His saints a thousand years.
The Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son, is of
one substance, majesty and glory with the Father and the Son, very and eternal
God, under whose personal supervision the Church was placed at Pentecost till
the return of Jesus.
The Holy Scriptures contain the revealed will of God; and
interpreted by the Holy Spirit, is the only sufficient rule of our faith and
practice. The following are the names of the thirty-nine books of the Old
Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges,
Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, II Kings, I Chronicles, II Chronicles, Ezra,
Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,
Songs of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel,
Amos, Obediah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah and
The following are the twenty-seven books of the New
Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, I Corinthians, II
Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I Thessalonians, II
Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter,
II Peter, I John, II John, III John, Jude, Revelations. The Old and New
Testament are not contrary to each other; for salvation is offered to man,
through Christ, in both. The law given from God by Moses, as touching ceremonies
and rites, doth not bind Christians; yet no Christian is free from obedience to
the moral law which is summed up in the Ten Commandments.
Original sin standeth not in the following of Adam, but it is
the corruption of the nature of every man, that is naturally engendered of the
offspring of Adam, and by it man is far from his original state of
righteousness, and is inclined to do evil continually.
Actual sin is the yielding of ourselves to the inclination of
original sin in transgression of the law or the will of God.
The atonement, provided through the sacrifice of Christ, is
the basis of agreement between God and man, upon which basis alone man can
receive any benefit from God.
Conviction is an awakening of the inner consciousness by
the Holy Spirit whereby man is enabled to realize his true state before God.
Bible repentance is Godly sorrow for all sins committed,
followed by a full confession forsaking of the same, and restitution up to the
measure of our ability.
The forgiveness of sins is an act of God whereby he overlooks the
transgressions of the sinner and treats him as not guilty.
Justification, obtained by the faith of an individual whose
sins are forgiven, is an act of God whereby he defends that individual.
Regeneration is an act of God giving life to a dead soul.
The germ of this new life is planted in the heart by the Holy Spirit in
conviction. If the individual yields himself to the Holy Spirit, the germ
planted springs up into new life, and thus a soul is born from above.
When a repenting sinner exercises saving faith in Christ by
virtue of which he appropriates the atonement and becomes a child of God, the
Holy Spirit witnesses to his spirit, immediately informing him that his sins
are all forgiven and he is made a child of God, in consequence of which he
rejoices with joy unspeakable and full of glory.
The Scriptures teach us that after we are justified and
regenerated or born again, we must live a holy life, or forfeit our acceptance
with God. In other words we must live without sinning, if we would remain in
the favor or grace of God.
Our own hearts as well as the Scriptures teach us that even
in the hearts of those who are justified and regenerated there remains
something that "is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can
be." That something is variously termed in Scripture the "carnal
mind," "our old man," and "the flesh that lusteth against
the Spirit." The christian finding himself in this condition and desiring
to escape the corruption of the "old man," consecrates himself
definitely and wholly to God with all he has or ever expects to have or be;
and then he is able to exercise sanctifying faith in Jesus, who sanctifies him
with the blood (Heb. 13 :12) through the Spirit (I Peter 1 :2) witnessed by
the Holy Ghost (Heb. 10:14-15).
The Scriptures teach us that after we are cleansed (John
15:3; Acts 10:15-44) with the blood we then need to receive the filling of the
Spirit, the baptism with the Holy Ghost, the abiding Comforter, that was
promised by John the Baptist (Matt. 3:11) and corroborated by Jesus Christ
(John 14:16-17): that on receiving the baptism with the Holy Ghost we have the
same evidence which followed in the Acts 2nd, 10th and 19th chapters, to-wit:
The speaking in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance.
Growth in Grace is not a process of purification but an
enlargement. It may begin immediately after regeneration and continue through
sanctification and the Baptism of the Spirit and until Glorification.
Glorification is the foundation for an eternal growth.
It is possible for a person in any state of Grace to
yield to temptation and commit sin. And should he do this he thereby becomes a
child of the devil (I John 3:8) and must remain such unless he repents and
returns unto the Lord.
The healing of the body of its sickness is a blessed
provision of the atonement which is to be appropriated according to James
5:14-15, and other Scriptures. We do not consider it an evidence of sin or a
mark of divine displeasure because a person is sick or employs medical aid.
Neither do we believe that it is an evidence in itself that a person is of God
because he is healed in answer to prayer.
According to the Scriptures we look for the personal pre-millenial
return of Jesus to this earth to raise the holy dead, translate the holy
living, to take or yield vengeance on
them that know not God, in the "battle of that great
day of God Almighty," to imprison the devil, and to reign over the whole
earth for a thousand years; at the close of which the devil will be loosed for
a little season, the wicked dead raised and the "last judgment" take
place and the new heavens and new earth ushered in to abide forever.
We believe the Scriptures teach the everlasting punishment
of those who die in rebellion against God and His Son, and the everlasting
happiness of those who die in the love and service of God.
A Christian Church is a society of Christian people
assembling at a specified place and time for religious worship and fellowship
in the Lord, with Christ as its only head and the word of God as its only rule
of faith and practice.
All candidates for baptism shall have the
right of choice between the modes of baptism as practiced
by the various evangelical denominations. Christian parents and guardians
shall have liberty of conscience in the baptism of their children.
The Supper of the Lord is a sacrament of our redemption by
Christ's death. It points us to Calvary and to the return of Jesus whose blood
cleanseth us from all sin and prepares us for His blessed coming again. It
should be administered to all Christians in both kinds. The Lord's Table should
be open to all who love Him, and all of the Lord's children should be invited to
His table to commemorate together the death of their common Lord.
We believe the Holy Spirit calls certain ones from among
God's people regardless of sex from the common walks of life into the work of
the ministry and the salvation of souls.
This body of Christian worshippers shall be known as The
Pentecostal Holiness Church. Isa. 62:12.
The form of Government shall be congregational and
independent of every other religious body, except by consent of a majority of
the members composing the local church; when they may be joined to other
bodies of like faith for purposes of mutual strength and fellowship.
All difficulties arising between members of the Pentecostal
Holiness Church shall be settled according to Matthew 18:15-18.
When any rumor is circulated detrimental to the moral character and
religious standing of any member of this Church, the member who shall first
hear of such a rumor shall report it to the brother or sister about whom such
rumor is circulated or
he shall report it to the or some member of the Official
Board. And if any member of the Pentecostal Holiness Church shall help to
circulate such damaging report before taking the foregoing step or shall talk
it to others after he has reported it to the brother or sister about whom the
damaging rumor is circulated, or the pastor, or to some member of the Official
Board, he shall himself be reprimanded before the Official Board and on a
second offense shall be subject to trial and expulsion from the church.
The Official Board of this Church shall be composed of at
least one Elder, one Deacon, the Sunday School Superintendent, the Trustees of
Church property and the Pastor. The qualifications and manner of election
described elsewhere in our book of discipline.
If any member or minister of a local church shall teach or
preach any doctrine not found in our articles of' faith or that is contrary to
the general tenor of the Scriptures and that tends to break the unity and
disturb the harmony of the Church and bring confusion among our people, he
shall be advised of such error by the Official Board of the
Church to which he belongs and if he persists in such a course he shall be
brought before the Official Board, and make his defense and if the Board shall
vote him out of harmony with our doctrines and government, his name shall be
erased from the roll of members and the Church shall withdraw its endorsement
from him. But if he should not be satisfied with the decision of the Board, or
if a number of the members of said Church equal to the number of the Official
Board that rendered the decision shall be dissatisfied with the decision of
the Board, in this instance or any other, they shall have the right of appeal
to the whole church, a majority vote of which shall be final.
If any member of the Pentecostal Holiness Church shall make
any remarks about a brother or sister derogatory to the Christian character of
the same; or shall speak of the faults of an absent brother or sister except
for the purpose of enlisting the prayers of others in behalf of the one whose
faults are under consideration; or shall carry news, from one to another that
is calculated to raise disturbances between the members of our Church;
or shall speak against The Pentecostal Holiness Church; or
refuse to submit quietly and meekly to its rulings and decisions shall be
summoned to meet the Official Board or committee appointed by said Board and
shall be required to apologize to the offended party and ask to be forgiven
for said offense. And if the offending party refuse to meet the Board or
Committee appointed by the Board, or shall refuse to make the proper apology
and ask forgiveness at the hands of the offended party, he shall be suspended
from the membership of The Pentecostal Holiness Church, till such requirements
are met, when he or she may be restored to membership in the Church by a
majority vote of the same. And if the offended party shall refuse to freely
and fully forgive the offending party on such confessions and apologies as the
Official Board or Committee may accept he shall himself be dealt with the same
as the offending party who refuses to meet the requirements demanded of him.
But in either case the condemned party shall not be denied the right of appeal
to the whole Church, if he or she shall express his or her intention to do so
at the time of his or her suspension.
Any local church may adopt any rule or regulation for its
own government, other than those written in this discipline, provided such
rules and regulations do not annul or conflict with what is herein written.
The church adopting this discipline shall not engage in
festivals, ice-cream suppers, oyster-stews, fairs, bazaars, or in any other
business in the name of the Church for the purpose of its financial support,
but each member shall give directly of his means to the support of the cause,
as the Lord has prospered him. While the individual member is left free to
decide for himself the amount which he ought to give to God, yet we, as a
Church, believe that one-tenth of our net income, is claimed by the Lord for
the support of His cause, and to which He always adds His blessings.
No local church shall fellowship any person who willfully
cultivates, manufactures, sells, or uses a filthy weed commonly called
tobacco, or is in fellowship with any secret order, or affiliates with any
political party
or parties, which favor the licensing of the liquor
traffic, and any person violating this rule stands expelled from the Church
with-out trial.
The Convention nor any local Church shall not fellowship
any member who has two living wives nor two living husbands.
A Convention of representatives from all local Pentecostal
Holiness Churches shall be held annually at a time and place as the previous
Convention shall designate. All ordained ministers of the Pentecostal Holiness
Church and a delegate from each local Church shall be expected to attend this
Convention and of these shall this Convention be composed.
At each session of the Annual Convention a President shall
be elected from its ministerial body who shall preside at the present
session and have the general oversight of all the
Churches for the ensuing year.
In like manner shall a Vice-President be elected who shall
serve in the case of the disability of the President.
In like manner shall a Secretary be elected who shall keep
a faithful record of all the proceedings of the Convention and of all moneys
received or paid out. However, the Secretary may be elected from the lay
delegates, and may be male or female.

[Persons applying for membership into the Pentecostal
Holiness Church shall be placed conveniently before the congregation and the
Pastor or if there be no pastor the Elder, or some other Member of the
Official Board shall say:]
"Brethren the Church is of God and will be
preserved to the end of the age for the promotion of His word, the maintenance
of Christian fellowship and discipline, the edification of believers and the
preparation of a people for the coming of the Lord. All, of every age and
station, stand in need of the means of grace which it alone supplies; and it
invites all alike to become fellow citizens with the saints and of the
household of God. It is therefore the duty of all, who desire to be admitted
into its communion, to express their faith in its doctrines and disciplines,
and to assume its obligations. It is our duty therefore to demand of these
persons present whether they are resolved to resume the same."
[Then shall the Minister address the candidate as follows:]
Question 1. Dearly Beloved, have you read or heard read and
been caused to understand our Articles of Faith and Government contained in
this book of Discipline?"
Answer 1. I have.
Question 2. Do you believe they are Scriptural, and do you
here express your willingness by the help of God to abide by them?
Answer 2. I do, God being my helper.
Question 3. Have you been born again? And have you the
witness of the Spirit that you are numbered among the Sons and Daughters of
the Lord God Almighty?
Answer 3. I have.
Question 4. If you should be admitted into our communion,
and into church fellowship with us, will you do all in your power to
live holy in thought, word and deed, relying entirely upon the
grace of God?
Answer 4. I will in His strength and by the help of His
blessed Holy Spirit.
Question 5. Has your heart been cleansed from carnality?
Answer 5. It has, or it has not.
Question 6. Have you received the Baptism of the Holy
Spirit, according to Acts 2nd, 10th and 19th chapters?
Answer 5. I have, or I have not.
[If question five or six is answered in the negative, then
shall the Minister ask:]
Question 7. Do you earnestly desire a pure heart (or the
Baptism of the Spirit, as the case may be)?
Answer 7. I do.
Question 8. Will you seek a pure heart (or the Baptism of
the Spirit) on every proper occasion until God grants your request?
Answer 8. I will.
[Any other proper question may be asked by the Pastor or
congregation. On motion of any member present the candidates may be received
by a majority vote of the church after which an extemporaneous prayer, or
prayers shall be offered, the congregation kneeling; after which the
congregation comes forward and gives to the new members the right hand of
[At the close of the sermon, or scripture 1esson, or at any
other time that may be deemed proper, the Pastor with any other ministers
present and with the Elders or Deacons who are to participate may gather round
the table and kneel with the whole congregation and the following prayer, or
an extemporaneous one if preferred shall be offered.]
"Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we praise Thee for
Thy great love expressed in the gift of Your Blessed Son who suffered death
upon the cross for our redemption and made there a full and sufficient
sacrifice and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world and did institute
this blessed memorial to be a perpetual memory of His precious death until He
comes again. We pray Thee that Thou wilt grant that we receiving these Thy
creatures of bread and wine, emblems of His broken body and shed blood in
remembrance of His death and passion, may be partakers of His nature by faith
in His precious blood who in the same night that He was betrayed took bread,
and when He had given thanks he break it and gave it to His disciples, saying,
"Take, eat, this is my body which is given for you; do this in remem-
brance of Me. " Likewise after supper He took the cup,
and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them saying, "Drink ye, all
of this; for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for you, and
for many, for the remission of sins, do this as oft as ye shall drink it, in
remembrance of Me." Amen.
[Here the minister may partake of the communion in both
kinds himself and deliver to the others around the table the people still
kneeling and repeating the Lord's prayer after the minister, after which a
suitable song may be sung, and all christians present, regardless of
denomination, shall be invited to the altar to commemorate together the death
of their blessed Savior. In the administration of the elements the parties
carrying the bread and giving the participants may say:]
"The body of our Lord Jesus Christ which was given for
thee, preserve Thee unto everlasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance
that Christ died for thee, and feed on Him by faith with thanksgiving."
[And the one that delivereth the cup shall say:]
"The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for
thee, preserve thee unto everlasting life. Drink this in remembrance of His
shed blood and be thankful and rejoice in Him."
[After all have partaken the service may close with a
prayer or a song or the Benediction or all of these.]
[Those desiring baptism shall be invited before the altar
or to the river's edge, or to any other place where the baptism is to be
performed according to the desire of the candidate, and the administrator
shall say:]
"Well Beloved, who have come hither desiring baptism
at our hands, and according to our office and ministry we cheerfully comply
with your desire that your heart may be satisfied and that in all things you
may have a conscience void of offense towards God and man."
Question 1. Have you read or been caused to understand the
articles of faith and government as set forth in our book of discipline?
Answer 1. I have.
Question 2. Do you desire to be baptized into this faith?
Answer 2. I do.
Question 3. Will you obediently keep God's holy will and
commandments regardless of what men may say or do?
Answer 3. I will endeavor so to do, God being my helper.
[The administrator shall here offer the following prayer, or
some other, at his discretion:]
"O Lord, our Heavenly Father, we come to thee in
Jesus' precious name for these persons, now to be dedicated to thee and to thy
service in baptism. Grant that they may have power and strength to have
victory over the devil, the world and the flesh. Grant that they being here
dedicated to thee by our office and ministry may also be endued with heavenly
virtues and everlastingly rewarded through Jesus Christ our Lord, who shed out
of His most precious side, both water and blood and gave commandment to His
disciples that they should go teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost; regard, we beseech thee the
supplications of this congregation and grant that the persons now to be
baptized may ever remain in the number of thy faithful and elect, children
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
[If the candidates are to be sprinkled they shall remain on
their knees, and if they are to be immersed they shall be led down into the
water, and the administrator shall say, calling them by their full Christian
"I baptize thee in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Ghost.
Amen." And may add other invocation at his discretion,
or call the congregation to sing a suitable song.
[Christian parents, or guardians, desiring their children
to be baptized, shall bring them to the altar, then shall the people stand up
and the minister shall say:]
"Hear the words of the gospel written by St.
Mark in the 10th chapter at the 13th verse, 'They brought young children to
Christ that He should touch them, and His disciples rebuked those that brought
them; but, when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased and said unto them,
Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is
the Kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the
Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And He took them
up in His arms, put His hands upon them and blessed them."
[Then the minister addressing the parents or guardians
presenting the child shall say:]
"In causing this child to be dedicated to God by
baptism, it is your duty to teach him as soon as he shall be able to
understand, the nature of the obligation which you this day have assumed for
him, and to teach him
the principles of our holy religion, and to believe all the
articles of the Christian faith, and cheerfully keep God's holy will
and commandments all the days of his life."
[The minister shall then take the child into his arms or
let him remain in the arms of his parent or stand before the altar, and
repeating the name of the child after the parents, who shall be asked to
repeat the full christian name of the child, shall say:]
"I baptize thee in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Ghost." Here may be offered an extemporaneous prayer,
or the minister may add a brief invocation at his discretion.
[At the time appointed the persons to be married standing
together, the man on the right and the woman on the left, the Minister shall
"Dearly Beloved, we are here assembled in the sight of
God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and
this woman in holy matrimony: into which holy estate these two persons now
come to be joined, therefore, if any can show any just cause why they may not
be united together, let him now speak, or here after, forever, hold his
[Addressing the couple the Minister shall say to the man:]
M_____ wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to
live together after God's ordinance in the holy bonds of Matrimony? Wilt thou
love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and,
forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall
The man shall answer, "I will."
[Then shall the Minister say unto the woman:]
N_____ wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to
live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou
reverence him, love him, honor
him and keep him, in sickness and in health; and forsaking
all other, keep thee
only unto him so long as you both shall live?
The woman shall answer, "I will."
[Then shall the minister join their right hands and say:]
"Those whom God hath joined together let not man
put asunder. Forasmuch as M and N have consented together in holy wedlock, and
have witnessed the same, before God and this company, and have pledged their
faith either to the other, and have declared the same by joining hands, I
pronounce that they are husband and wife together, in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
[While they stand In this position the Minister may offer a
short extemporaneous prayer.]
[The corpse being brought into the church and placed in
position, or if in a private house, when the company has gathered or wherever
it may take place, the services may be opened with a suitable song and
prayer and by the reading of a Scripture lesson at the direction of the
minister. If the scripture should be read, we suggest I Cor., 15th chapter,
20th to 58th verses, or I Thess., 4:13-18, or any other suitable scripture,
after which a song may be sung and a short talk or sermon appropriate to the
occasion may be made. When the corpse is let down in the grave, the minister
shall say:]
"Inasmuch as we are called upon to perform this
sad duty, for the deceased, .we commit his body to the ground, earth to earth,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust; looking to Him who is the resurrection and the
life at whose second coming in glorious majesty to reign over the earth he
will bring those who sleep in Him, and change their corruptible bodies and
make them like unto His own glorious body, according to the mighty working,
whereby He is able to subdue all things unto Himself."
[The following prayer may here be made:]
"O Merciful God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who is the Resurrection and the Life; in whom whosoever believeth shall live,
though he die; and whosoever liveth
and believeth in Him, shall not die eternally: We pray thee
to grant that when we shall depart this life, we may rest in Him; that
at His coming to reign with His saints, we may be raised from among the dead
and being found acceptable to 'Thy sight may receive that blessing which Thy
well beloved Son shall pronounce to all that love and fear Thee, saying, Come,
ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world. Grant this we beseech thee, Our Father, through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
[When the grave is filled up the Benediction shall be
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen."
[At the time and place of laying the Corner Stone, let the
minister cause a suitable hymn to be sung, then shall be offered the following
prayer or an extemporaneous prayer at the discretion of the minister:]
"O, Lord, Thou art marvelous in all of thy works and
ways, Thou didst make the world and all things therein, every good and perfect
gift is from thy blessed hand. We know, blessed Lord, that Thou art present
everywhere and therefore cannot be confined within temples made with hands:
Thou art a spirit, and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth, in all
places of thy dominion; yet we praise Thy holy name that Thou dost allow us to
build houses for Thy service, in which Thy people may worship Thee in the
beauty of Holiness. We bless Thy great name for putting it into the
hearts of Thy people to build at this place a house for Thy worship. O, Lord,
inspire us with zeal, and give us a mind to work, that we may successfully
carry out the purpose that Thou hast put into our hearts. Let nothing hin-
der the work, but may Thy good hand be upon us that we may
bring forth the headstone with joy and gladness. Grant O Lord, that this
Tabernacle when completed may ever remain a house of prayer for all people who
know and love the truth, and where incense shall be offered unto Thy Name, and
where Thy word and ordinances shall be administered under the power and
direction of the blessed Holy Ghost, till the Bride-groom comes. May
multitudes be saved and sanctified within its walls, and prepared by Thy grace
to reign with Jesus in His glorious Kingdom. May the sick and sorrowiug ones
meet the great Physician about its altars and find comfort and health in the
blessed Son of God. And we will ascribe all the glory to Thee, Father, Son and
Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen."
[The minister may here read the following sentences:]
Except the Lord, build the house, they labor in vain that
build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Let
thy work appear unto thy servants and thy glory unto their children, and let
the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and establish thou the work of our
hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands estab-
lish thou it. His foundation is in the Holy mountains, the
Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob, For the
Lord hath chosen Zion; He hath desired it for His habitation. This is my rest
forever: There will I dwell; for I have desired it, I will abundantly bless
her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread, I will also clothe her
priest with salvation, and her saints shall shout aloud for joy. The
stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner. This
is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes, For other foundation can no
man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
[Then shall the minister standing by the stone announce the
articles to be deposited therein. These may be a Bible, Hymn Book, Discipline,
Documents setting forth the name of the Church, with the names of the Pastor,
Official Board, Building Committee, Church Paper and such other articles as
may be desired. The stone shall then be laid by the minister or some one
appointed by Him, and the minister placing his hands upon the stone, shall
We lay this corner stone of a house to be built and set
apart from all worldly uses, for Divine Worship, in the Name of the Father,
and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
[Then may follow the collection (if any), the doxology and
the benediction.]
[The services may be conducted as on other occasions. The
lessons may be Genesis 28:10-22 and Heb. 10:19-25, or any other at the
discretion of the minister. A collection (if any) may follow the sermon. The
officers of the Church shall then address the minister through one of their
number as follows:]
God has been gracious to us and through His goodness we
have been enabled to build this Tabernacle as a house in which to worship Him.
We thank Him for it. It is His house, not ours; therefore we present it to you
to be set apart from all unholy or common uses, in the Name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Congregation respond: So may it be.
[Then shall the minister request the congregation to stand and shall say:]
We heartily thank God for having put it into the hearts of
His people here to build this Tabernacle for His worship. He has graciously
blessed them in the work and enabled them to complete it in His name and for,
His glory. Therefore we solemnly dedicate it to His service for the reading and
the preaching of His blessed word; the administration of His ordinances, and for
all other acts of religious worship: And now that he may accept this house as
the work of
our hands and add His approval and blessings to the same,
let us devoutly pray.
[Then all kneeling, the minister shall offer the following
prayer or any other at his discretion:]
O Lord, our Heavenly Father, with grateful hearts we bow in
Thy presence at this hour, to thank Thee for all of Thy goodness to us,
especially that Thou didst put it into the hearts of these, Thy people, to
build this place for Thy worship; And that Thou didst give them the means,
with which to complete it; and that Thou didst incline the hearts of the
people, who were not even Christians, to contribute to this blessed work. You
gave us friends that we knew not of; for all this we thank Thee, and pray Thy
richest blessings upon all who helped in this way, with money, or labor, or
even good will, in erecting this house. May they be richly rewarded for what
they have done. And now we ask Thee that Thou wilt accept this house as an
humble expression of our love to Thee, for the gift, of Thy precious Son; and
as Thou didst fill the temple with your presence and glory, so we pray Thee,
that Thou wilt fill this house continually, with Thy presence and with Thy
glory. Preserve this house which we set apart to Thy service from injury and
Let Thy Holy Spirit accompany Thy Word and
ordinances that shall be here administered from time to time. May sinners he
convicted here and many sons and daughters be born to the Lord God Almighty.
May believers be sanctified, and Baptized with the Spirit, and the suffering
bodies of Thy children he healed of all their diseases. Let Thy people be
abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house, and make them to drink of
the river of Thy pleasures. May their children here he safely sheltered in the
fold of Christ, and brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. May
living waters go forth from this sanctuary (carrying joy and gladness to many
hearts and homes. Let Thy work appear unto Thy servants, and Thy glory unto
their children, let the beauty of the Lord our God he upon us: And establish
Thou the work of our hands upon us; yea the work of our hands establish Thou
it. Let those who shall minister here he clothed with salvation, and let Thy
saints ever shout for joy. Make this house, O Lord, Thy dwelling place through
the Holy Spirit. Now blessed Father, it is in Thy hands. The house is Thine;
we are thine, and the Kingdom, and the glory, and the power are all Thine;
bless us and
this house and use us for Thy glory, for Jesus'
sake. Amen.
[Services may then be concluded with the doxology and the
benediction, or in any other way at the discretion of the minister.]

All the officers of the Pentecostal Holiness Church shall
be in the experience of sanctification at the time of their election, and
their term of office shall expire at the discretion of the Church.
This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a
Bishop (or Elder, for they both mean the same) he desireth a good work.
A Bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of
good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach, not given to wine, nor
striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
one that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with
all gravity; (for if a man know not how to rule his own
house, how shall he take care of the Church of God ?) Not a novice, lest he
being lifted up with pride fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover
he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into
reproach and the snare of the devil. I Tim., 3:1-5.
It shall be the duty of the Elder or Elders to look after
the Spiritual welfare of the Church. He shall provide the elements of the
Lord's Supper; see that the Church is warmed and lighted, that proper persons
are appointed to conduct services, that services are begun and closed at
proper times and that proper literature is circulated among the people and
that no unscriptural doctrine is preached that may prove injurious to the
cause, and also that order is maintained in the Church.
The Elders shall be nominated by the minister or
evangelist, or worker who may be authorized to organize a church under the
rules of our discipline. After he has taken the names of those who propose to
join the Holiness Church the Elder shall be elected by a majority vote
of the same. And after
his election he shall be ordained in the following
[At the proper time and place after a sermon or exhortation
on the qualifications and duties of Elders and their relations to the Church
they shall kneel before the altar and the person organizing the Church (or if
a Church already organized), the Pastor and the Elders and Deacons present, if
any, shall lay hands upon those elected to be Elders; and the one officiating
shall offer the following prayer, or an extemporaneous one at his discretion.]
O Lord, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for Thy Church,
and for all of its appointed officers, through whom it is to be governed for
Thy glory and for the peace and harmony of the membership, which is the body
of Christ. We read in Thy blessed Word that Paul and Barnabas visited the
Churches, founded under their ministry; "and when they had ordained them
Elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to
the Lord, on whom they believed." (Acts 1 :23.) We read also in thy
Blessed Word that Thy servant Paul commanded the Elders of the Ephesian
Church, concerning the welfare of the same, saying: "Take heed,
therefore, unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost
hath made you overseers, to feed the Church of God, which He
hath purchased with His own blood." (Acts 20:28.) We
thank Thee, our Father, we have here the same Bible, the same Church, the same
blessed Holy Ghost, and the same office to be filled. And we believe, O Lord,
that the blessed Holy Ghost is here and now, making these Thy servants, upon
whom our hands rest, through His appointed means, overseers of the Church of
Christ. We pray Thee that they may make worthy servants of the Church; that
they may faithfully, fearlessly, tenderly, and in the fear of God discharge
every duty incumbent upon them. May they have the prayers, co-operation, and
love of all the members of the body. Keep them free from selfishness,
partiality, and unspotted from the world. Now, we pray Thee, that Thy
blessings may rest upon them, and all their loved ones, and bring them home to
glory at last, where they shall sit among the Elders that surround the throne
in Heaven, and to Thy blessed name shall be all the praise forever. Amen.
[Here may follow a suitable hymn and the Church may come
forward and recognize its Elder or Elders by giving them the right hand of
recognition, and the service be closed at the discretion of the minister.]
"Likewise must the Deacons be grave, not double tongued,
not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; holding the mystery of the
faith in a pure conscience. And let these first be proved; then let them use the
office of a Deacon, being found blameless. Even so must their wives be grave,
not slanderous, sober, faithful in all things. Let the Deacon be the husband of
one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. For they that have
used the office of a Deacon well purchased to themselves a good degree, and
great boldness in the faith, which is in Christ Jesus." I Tim. 3:8-13.
"Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them and said,
It is not reason that we should leave the Word of God, and serve tables,
Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of
the Holy Ghost and Wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. But we will
give ourselves continually unto prayer and to the ministry of the Word, and the
saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith
and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip and Prochorous, and Nicanor, and Timon, and
menas, and Nicolas, a proselyte of Antioch: Whom they set
before the Apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid their hands on
them, And the Word of God increased; and the number of the disciples
multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were
obedient unto the faith. And Stephen full of faith and power, did great
wonders and miracles among the people." (Acts 6:1-8).
It shall be the duty of the Deacon or Deacons to have the
oversight of the Church, such as providing financial remuneration for those
engaged in the work of the Church. Such as the Pastor, the Janitor and many
others who may have claims upon the Church. Also to have charge of the moneys
collected for any other purpose not otherwise provided for.
The Deacons shall be nominated and elected in the same manner
as the Elders. Their ordination shall also be similar.
[The ordination prayer for the Deacons shall be as follows
or it may be extemporaneous at the discretion of the persons officiating:]
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the
great goodness and mercy shown to us in the gift of Your Dear Son,
Jesus Christ. We thank Thee, that through Thy mercy,
these upon whom our hands now rest were called from life of sin, into the
glorious liberty of Thy children. We thank Thee for saving and sanctifying
them, and filling them with the blessed Holy Ghost and calling them into the
office of Deacons in Thy Church. Make them, we pray Thee, O Lord, humble and
constant in their ministration. May they have a mind to observe all spiritual
discipline. May no interest of the Church committed to their hands suffer
under their administration. Help them with Thy grace that they may provide
things honest in the sight of all men. Bless them abundantly with the riches
of Thy grace, and ever use them for Thy glory in administering to the needs of
the Church, and to suffering humanity, and finally save them in the Kingdom of
Thy glory, for Jesus' sake. Amen.
[Here may follow a song and the Church may be
invited to give them the right hand of recognition as Deacons of the same.
When there are Deacons and Elders to be ordained in the same service, both
services may be blended into one.]
There shall be at least three trustees nominated and
elected in the same manner as the Elders and Deacons, ordination ex-
cepted. They shall be male members, and may be elected from
among the Elders and Deacons, or other members of the Church. They shall not
allow the Church to be used for any purpose that does not meet the approval of
the majority of the Official Board, unless they have the approval of a
majority of the Church, expressed by a vote of the same in any regular meeting
or any called meeting for that purpose. In case of vacancy for any cause see
provisions made elsewhere.
Sunday School Superintendents shall be nominated and
elected in the same manner as the Elders and Deacons, ordination excepted, and
may be elected from among the members of the Official Board or from among the
general body of the Church and may be a female.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Official Board
to keep or cause to be kept a faithful record of all its proceedings with the
names of all who shall join the Church or leave the Church, and an account of
all moneys received or paid out. He
shall also keep a register in which shall he recorded the
names of all who shall join the Church with the manner and date of their
reception and disposal.
When any member of the Church shall profess to be called to
the ministry, and desires license from the Church, he shall make application
to the Official Board at any regular or called session and if, after any
examination it may subject him or her to, the Board is satisfied, that he or
she is a proper person to preach the gospel, under the rules and regulations
of the Holiness Church, it may grant the license by a majority vote, subject
to the approval of the whole Church. If a number equal to the majority vote of
the Board, shall express themselves, in writing, as being dissatisfied with
the Boards decision, it shall be carried before the whole Church, whose
majority vote shall be final.
This certifies that A. B., a member of the ______________
Pentecostal Holiness Church of __________ , of __________ ,was on __________
day of __________, 19 ___, granted license to preach the gospel under the
rules and reg-
ulations of said Church; and is hereby authorized and
empowered to hold meetings, organize Churches, and administer the sacraments
of the Lord's Supper, and baptism according to the discipline of The
Pentecostal Holiness Church.

Chairman of Board.

Secretary of Board.
[At the hour and place appointed, the candidates for
ordination shall be caused to stand before the altar and the following
Scripture shall be read, or any other that may be deemed proper, and after
setting forth the nature and requirements of the ministry, and the
qualification of those who are to enter it, they shall be ordained with the
following prayer, in the manner herein after described.]
For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you
Gentiles. If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is
given me to you-ward: How that by revelation he make known unto me the
mystery, (as I wrote afore in few words, whereby, when ye read, ye may
understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ), which in other ages was not
made known to the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto His holy Apostles
and Prophets by the
Spirit. That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of
the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the Gospel; Whereof I
was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me
by the effectual working of His power. Unto me who am the least of all saints,
is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable
riches of Christ; and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the
mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who
created all things by Jesus Christ: To the intent that now unto the
principalities and powers in Heavenly places might be known by the Church the
manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in
Christ Jesus our Lord: In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by
the faith of him. Eph. 3:1-12.
[Then shall be read the following lesson with any
comments that the President of the Convention or the one in charge of the
ceremony may make.]
"I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all
men; for Kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet
and peaceable life in all
godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in
the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come
unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator,
between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave Himself a ransom for all,
to be testified in due time. Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an
Apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not); a teacher of the Gentiles
in faith and verity. I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up
holy hands without wrath and doubting." I Tim. 2:1-8.
[Then the following Scripture shall be read, after which
the President may set forth the nature and duties of the ministry and the
qualifications of those entering into it, and the candidates kneeling about
the altar shall be ordained by the laying on of the hands of the ministers
invited to take part by the President, with the following prayer of
consecration or an extemporaneous prayer is deemed best.]
"O Lord, our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for
founding Thy Church, through Thy Son Jesus Christ, and the blessed Holy
Ghost, and promising that the gates of hell should not prevail against it. We
praise Thee especially for the Gospel of Thy Son,
and that Thou hast ordained that your precious Word should be
preached, not by Angels or Arch Angels, but by those who have been saved
by its blessed Holy Ghost to carry the good news of salvation and life to every
lost soul of Adams fallen race. We thank God for saving and sanctifying and
Baptizing with the blessed Holy Ghost and calling these, Thy servants
into this Holy ministry; may they ever be true to Thee, and to Thy Word, as it
has been committed to them; may they be used by the blessed Holy Spirit in the
salvation of a multitude of precious souls; may they ever be Holy in thought,
and in conversation, and in deed; may their lives be blameless and above
reproach, and grant that they may be a blessing to the Church and to the world,
and to every home which they may enter, in the name of the Blessed Christ, whom
they preach and whom they represent. Supply all of their needs according to Thy
riches in glory by Christ Jesus; bless their families and loved ones, and all
with whom they come in contact. And when their labor is done, and they are
gathered to their reward, may the influence of their life and ministry, like the
light of the sun, which has already gone down, linger still to guide the feet of
the wandering pilgrims home,
and in the coming kingdom may they reign as Kings and
Queens with Jesus over the world which they have helped to bring to the
Saviours blessed feet and in the age to come, the Kingdom and the power and
the glory shall be ascribed to Thee, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen"
[Here a song may be sung and the ministers and officials
and Christians may be invited to shake hands with those who have been
ordained, or the services may close In any other way deemed best.]
A local Church shall have power to license ministers and to
recommend them to the Annual Convention for ordination, according to the forms
and provisions laid down by the same, provided they shall not license any
person who cultivates, manufactures, sells or uses a filthy weed, commonly
called Tobacco; or is in fellowship with any secret order, or affiliates with
any political party or parties, which favors the licensing of the liquor
And if any local Church shall wilfully violate this rule,
it shall, forfeit its right to exist as a Church under this discipline.
A local Church shall also have power to call its own
This Certifies that ____________________ is an ordained
minister of the Pentecostal Holiness Church and a member of the North Carolina
Annual Convention of said church, and is hereby empowered to perform all the
functions of the ministry according to the rules and regulations of the same.
This license good from this date till revoked.
____________________________ President.
____________________________ Secretary.
_______________, 19 _____.
Every person desiring to be ordained at the Convention, or
to become a member of the Convention, if he has been ordained by some other
denomination, shall belong to some local Pentecostal Holiness church, and
shall have been licensed by it, and shall have procured a recommendation
signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Official Board, and after any
examination to which the Convention may subject him it may receive him by a
majority vote, and if he has not been already ordained, it shall
ordain him according to the forms herein laid down.
Any local church adopting our Book of Discipline and
desiring membership in the North Carolina Annual Convention of the Pentecostal
Holiness Church shall make application by a delegate sent for that purpose or
by letter signifying its desire to become a member of the Convention. The
Convention may admit it, when such application is made, by a majority vote. At
any time, if a local church shall become dissatisfied with its membership in
the Convention, it may withdraw by a majority vote of its members, expressed
in writing and sent to the Convention by its delegate or through the mails.
At any time when the Convention is informed that a local
church is tolerating immorality or any other wrong contrary to the discipline,
or any false teaching on the part of any of its members or ministers, the
President of the Convention shall appoint a committee from any other church or
holding membership in the Convention to investigate the
report; and if they should find the report well founded, they shall demand of
said local Church that it shall bring the offending parties to repentance, and
cause them to get right, or expel them from its communion. Should said local
church disregard such instruction from said committee, or claim that the
report is unfounded, it shall be tried at the ensuing annual Convention
before a committee appointed for the purpose, by the President, or should it
be moved and seconded by any two members of the Convention that it he brought
before the whole Convention, if those present shall so desire it shall be
brought before the whole Convention. And if said church shall be found guilty
of the charges, it shall be expelled from the Convention.
When there is a sufficient number of people in any one
place to constitute an official board, desiring to be organized into a
Pentecostal Holiness Church, they shall come together at an appointed time and
place; and the preacher or some lay member of the Pentecostal Holiness Church,
or if no preacher or member of the Pentecostal Holiness
Church can be had, one of the number shall read the
articles of faith and explain the government of the Pentecostal Holiness
Church; and after prayer, he shall take the names of those desiring membership
and proceed to nominate, at least one elder, one deacon, and a Secretary and
Treasurer, to be elected by a majority of the body, after which the
officiating person may ordain the elder and deacon, according to the form of
ordination for the same elsewhere given in this book of discipline. Other
elders, deacons, trustees and a Sunday School Superintendent may be nominated
by the elder, who shall be chairman of the Official Board, and elected by a
majority vote when it becomes necessary to thus increase the Official Board.
[When the organization is complete, the following covenant
shall be read, and adopted by the members entering into it.]
We, having been called out of the world by the
blessed Spirit of God, and having become acquainted with the articles of faith
and polity of the Pentecostal Holiness Church, and believing said church to be
of God, and having given our names and
thereby become members of the same, do solemnly, but
cheerfully, and with joy and gladness enter into this Covenant: We will watch
over one another with brotherly love and kindness, not that we may have
whereof to accuse our brother, but that we may with meekness correct each
others, faults. We will abstain from frivolous conversations, such as
foolish talking and jesting, and from back-biting and tattling or taking up a
reproach against any one, especially our brother. We will heed the injunction
of the Apostle, who exhorts us to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are
called with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one
another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of
peace. We will bear one anothers burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.
We will also heed the exhortation of the Apostle recorded in I Thess. 5: l2.
And we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you and are over
you in the Lord, and admonish you: and to esteem them very highly in love for
their works sake. And be at peace among yourselves. Now we exhort you,
brethren, warn them that are unruly (disorderly) comfort the
feeble minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men;
see that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is
good, both among yourselves and to all men. And we will recompense to no man
evil for evil, but provide things honest m the sight of all men, and if it be
possible, as much as lieth in us, we will live peaceably with all men (Rom.
12:17). And we will be kind one to another, tender hearted forgiving one
another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven us. (Eph. 4:32.) As
opportunity affords we will be engaged in works of mercy: such as visiting the
sick, and imprisoned and the distressed, and to all who may need and accept
our ministrations. We will have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of
darkness (Eph. 5 :11), but keep ourselves by the grace of God (I Pet. 1 :5),
unspotted from the world (Jas. 1 :27). All this will we do, God being our
Response: We accept the obligations of this Covenant in
the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
Trustees and other elders and deacons, when needed, may be
nominated, when there is no pastor, by the Chairman of the Official
Board, (who is himself to be elected by the Board at the
time of their organization), and elected by a majority vote.
When such church shall be organized without the knowledge
of any minister, evangelist, or worker of the Pentecostal Holiness Church it
shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Official Board to inform, by
letter or otherwise, the President of the Annual Convention of The Pentecostal
Holiness Church of North Carolina.
Churches may be organized anywhere outside of North
Carolina and hold membership in the North Carolina Annual Convention.
At the first meeting of the Official Board, which has been
elected by the newly organized Church, they shall elect from among the elders
a chairman, and from among the deacons a treasurer, and any one of their
number may be chosen as secretary, which shall complete the organization of
the Official Board. In all matters of business coming before the Board of
Elders, Deacons, Sunday School Superintendents, Trustees, and Pastor shall act
conjointly. And if, for
any cause whatever, there shall occur a vacancy in the
Official Board, the pastor, or if there be none, the chairman, or some other
member of the Board, shall nominate a person who shall be elected by a
majority vote of the Board to fill said vacancy, subject to the approval of
the congregation, before which it shall be brought, if a number equal to the
majority by which the election was made so desire it. If the vacancy was that
of an elders or deacons place the person elected to fill the vacancy
shall be ordained according to the forms provided in this Book of Discipline
for such ordination.

... 5
I The Godhead; II The Son of God
... 5
III The Holy Ghost; IV The Holy
. 6
V Original Sin; VI Actual Sin
.. 7
VII The Atonement; VIII Conviction;
IX Repentance; X The forgiveness
of sins
... 8
XI Justification; XII Regeneration;
XIII The Witness of the Spirit
... 9
XIV A Holy Life; XV Heart Purity,
or Sanctification
XVI The Baptism of the Holy Spirit;
XVII Growth in Grace; XVIII Final
Perseverance of the Saints
XIX Falling from Grace; XX Divine
Healing; XXI The Second Coming of
XXII The Destiny of Man; XXIII The
Church; XXIV Water Baptism
. 13
XXV The Supper of the Lord; XXVI
The Ministry
. 15
Form 1 Reception of Members
. 22
Form 2 Adult Baptism
.. 27
Infant Baptism
Form 4 The Solemnization of Matri-
. 31
Form 5 Burial of the Dead
. 33
Form 6 Laying the Corner Stone of
a Tabernacle
... 35
Dedication of a Tabernacle
.. 41
Qualification of Elders
Duties of Elders
Qualification of Deacons
.. 46
Qualification of Trustees
.. 47
Sunday School Superintendents
Duty of Secretary
.. 48
How to License Preachers
. 49
Form of License
Ordination of Ministers
Power of Local Churches
. 54
Form of Certificate of Ordination
Application to the Convention for Ordi-
How Church Is Admitted to Membership
in Convention
... 56
Expulsion of Church from Convention
How to Organize Local Churches
.. 58
Official Board Organized