Constitution and General Rules of The Pente- costal Holiness Church
From the highest to the lowest of God's creation we see the most perfect organization. The stars are all placed in order; the sun and moon have their tabernacles; the solar system is a display of God's wonderful arrangement. When we turn to God's dealings directly with man, we see the same carefulness of system and order. Look at His government of the children of Israel; at Sinai, laws are given, commandments delivered, and specifications are laid out with most positive command to "see thou makest all things according to the pattern shown thee in the mount." When we come to the works of Christ and His apostles, we observe the same care for a simple but sufficient form of church government. He chose His twelve apostles, gave them proper training, and gave them the commandments concerning the kingdom, "Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age" (Matt. 28:20). The apostles went forth, preaching everywhere, and the people were converted and sanctified, forsook not the assembling of themselves together as the manner of some now, but formed the saved into local congregations, and called them churches, and ordained elders and deacons, and always left some one to look after the spiritual and temporal interests of the Church. Let us humbly follow Christ, our great Leader, and take His word for our rule of faith and practice. Amen.
Constitution and General Rules of The Pentecostal Holiness Church.
1. We believe that Jesus Christ shed His blood for the remission of sins that are past (Rom. 3: 25), and for the regeneration of penitent sinners, and for salvation from sin and from-sinning (1 John 3:5-10; Eph. 2:1-10). 2. We believe, teach and firmly maintain the Scriptural doctrine of justification by faith alone (Rom. 5:1). 3. We believe also that Jesus Christ shed His blood for the complete cleansing of the justified believer from all indwelling sin, and from its pollution subsequent to- regeneration (1 John 1:7-9). 4. We believe also that entire sanctification is an instantaneous, definite, second work of grace, obtainable by faith on the part of the fully justified believer (John l5: 2; Acts 26: 18). 5. We believe also that the Pentecostal baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire is obtainable by a definite act of appropriating faith on the part of the fully cleansed believer, and that the initial evidence of the reception of this experience is speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance (Luke 11: 13; Acts 1: 5; 2: 14; 8: 17; 10: 44-46; 19: 6). 6. We believe also in divine healing as in the atonement (Isa. 53: 4, 5; Matt. 8: 16, 17; Mark 16: 14-18; James 5: 14-16; Ex. 15: 26).
7. We believe in the imminent, personal, premillennial second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thes. 4: 15-18; Titus 2: 13; 2 Peter 3: 1-4; Matt. 24: 29-44), and we love and wait for His appearing (2 Tim. 4: 8). 8. The Pentecostal Holiness Church is utterly opposed to the teaching of the so-called Christian Scientists, Spiritualists, Unitarians, Universalists and Mormons. We deny, as false and unscriptural, Seventh-Day Adventism, annihilation of the wicked, conditional immortality, antonomianism, absolute perfection, so-called come-outism, the so-called resurrection life, the so-called redemption or glorification of the body in this life, the doctrine of the restitution of all things (as set forth in millennial-dawnism), and the teaching that we are not born of God until we are sanctified wholly. 9. The Lord says, "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled," and The Pentecostal Holiness Church firmly holds that there are certain relations between husband and wife which are strictly private according to the Word of God, and into this sacred privacy no one has any right to inquire (Heb. 13: 4; 1 Cor. 7: 1-5). 10. No subsequent General Convention shall have authority to change the basis of union, until the proposed change has been submitted to each local church, and the majority voting favorable to the change.
Water Baptism.
All candidates for baptism shall have the right of choice between the various modes as practiced by the various 4
evangelical denominations. Christian parents and guardians shall have liberty of conscience in the baptism of their children.
The Supper of the Lord.
The Supper of the Lord is a sacrament of our redemption by Christ's death. It points us to Calvary, and to the return of Jesus, whose blood cleanseth us from all sin and prepares us for His blessed coming again. It should be administered to all Christians in both kinds, and unfermented wine only shall be used. The Lord's table should be open to all who love Him, and all of the Lord's children should be invited to His table to commemorate together the death of their common Lord.
Each individual member of The Pentecostal Holiness Church shall have liberty of conscience in the matter of foot-washing.
1. This body of Christian worshippers shall be known as The Pentecostal Holiness Church. 2. The form of government shall be congregational and independent of every other religious body, except by the consent of a majority of the members comprising the local church; when they may be joined to other bodies of like faith for purposes of mutual strength and fellowship. 5
3. All difficulties arising between members of the Pentecostal Holiness Church shall be settled according to Matthew 18: 15-18; providing the right of appeal to the Annual Convention, a majority vote of which shall be final. In cases of trial originating in the Annual Convention, the right of appeal is granted to the General Convention, a majority vote of which shall be final. 4. Any local church may adopt any rule or regulation for its own government, other than these written in this discipline, provided such rules and regulations do not annul or conflict with what is herein written, and any Annual Convention may also have the same right.
Where there are three or more persons in one place desiring to be organized into a Pentecostal Holiness Church, they shall call for a person properly authorized to organize such a church and he shall read and explain the Basis of Union, general rules and government of The Pentecostal Holiness Church; and after prayer, he shall take the names of those desiring membership. After this there shall be nominated and elected at least one deacon, and a Secretary and Treasurer, after which the officiating person shall ordain the deacon according to the form of ordination elsewhere given in this book of discipline. Then there shall be elected a Board of Trustees, consisting of three or five persons, who shall hold in trust the church property.
1. The boundaries of each Annual Convention shall be determined by the General Superintendent, with the consent of the preachers and local churches. 6
2. Each Convention shall be composed of its Superintendent, ordained preachers, licensed preachers, mission workers, at least one delegate from each local church, but not more than one for every fifty members in each church, and the general officers when they are present. 3. Any preacher may be transferred from one Convention to another by the mutual consent of the General Superintendent and the person to be transferred. 4. Each Convention shall determine the time and place of its own sitting. 5. Each Convention shall have the minutes of its sessions published. 6. The business of each Annual Convention shall be transacted as follows: (a) The election of its officers for the ensuing year. (b) The receiving of a report from each local church. (c) The examination and passage of the character of its superintendent, ordained preachers, licensed preachers, and mission workers. Provided that those who are unable to attend the Convention shall report in writing concerning their personal experience and work. (d) The examining, licensing and ordaining of applicants; provided that no applicant shall be ordained who has not served two years in the ministry. (e) The receiving ordained ministers coming from other Christian bodies. (f) The suspending from the ministry and the depriving of credentials persons who are inefficient or negligent of the duties assigned them.
1. The General Convention shall be composed of the General Superintendent, the Assistant General Superintendents, the General Secretary, the General Treasurer, the General Trustees, the Superintendents of the Annual Conventions, at least one clerical delegate from each Annual Convention, but not more than one for every twenty-five preachers; and at least one lay delegate from each Annual Convention, but not more than one for every five hundred lay members. 2. There shall be a regular meeting every two years, provided, that in case of necessity, the General Superintendent shall have authority to call a General Convention at such time and place as he may designate, for the transaction of such business as may properly come before it. 3. The object of the General Convention shall be to confer together and to adopt such measures and devise such means as shall be deemed expedient for the promotion and furtherance of the cause of Pentecostal holiness. 4. In the event of the death, removal or disability of the General Superintendent, the Board of Trustees shall have authority to call a meeting of the General Convention, which shall, by prayer and fasting, seek to know the mind of the Spirit with regard to filling the vacancy, and the one plainly designated by the Holy Ghost shall be accepted as the divinely appointed one. 5. The time for holding each General Convention shall be determined by the Convention, and the place by the General Superintendent with the consent of the Official Board.
6. The following business shall be transacted at the General Convention: (a) The election of its officers. (b) The receiving of reports from each Annual Convention. (c) The examination and passage of the character of the General Officers.
1. All the officers of The Pentecostal Holiness Church shall be in the experience of sanctification at the time of their election, and their term of office shall expire at the discretion of the church. 2. The officers of each church shall constitute an Official Board, which shall be composed of at least one deacon, the Secretary and Treasurer, three Trustees of church property and the pastor. 3. It shall be the duty of the deacon or deacons to look after the spiritual and temporal welfare of the church. He shall provide the elements of the Lord's Supper; see that the church is warmed and lighted, that proper persons are appointed to conduct services, that financial remuneration is provided for those engaged in the work of the church, that proper literature is circulated among the members, that no unscriptural doctrine is preached, and that order is maintained in the church. 4. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to hold in trust the church property, and not to allow the church property to be used for any purpose that does not meet the approval of a majority of its members. 5. It shall be the duty of the Secretary and Treasurer
to keep a faithful record of all the business proceedings of the church, and an account of all monies received, including all collections for whatever cause, and for what causes the same was paid out. He shall also keep a register, in which shall be recorded the names of all who shall join the church, with the manner and date of their reception and disposal. It shall be his duty further to prepare the report for the delegate to the Annual Convention, on blanks furnished by the General Secretary. 6. It shall be the duty of the pastor to preach the Word, to visit all the members, if possible, especially the sick; to administer the ordinances of the church, and to sit as chairman of the Official Board. 7. It shall be the duty of the Official Board to investigate rumors which may reflect upon the members of the church, to hear complaints against, and to settle differences between them, when possible, without a church trial; to examine into deeds and titles to church property, seeing that they are properly drawn and recorded, and to arrange as far as possible to protect the property against foreclosures for debts and other claims.
1. All officers of the Annual Conventions shall be elected annually, and shall be in the experience of the Pentecostal baptism of the Spirit at the time of their election. 2. The officers of each Annual Convention shall consist of a Superintendent, an Assistant Superintendent, a Secretary and Treasurer, which together with a committee of 10
two elected by the Convention, shall constitute the Official Board. 3. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to preside at the Convention, to act as chairman of the Official Board, to hold a three days' union meeting in different sections of his Convention embracing each fifth Sunday, and to preach the Word, giving his influence, and as far as possible his entire time, to the spreading of Pentecostal holiness throughout his jurisdiction. 4. It shall be the duty of the Secretary and Treasurer to keep a faithful record of all the business proceedings of the Convention, and an account of all monies received, including all collections for whatever cause, and for what causes the same was paid out. He shall also keep a register, in which shall be recorded the names and locations of all the churches, the names and addresses of all ordained workers, together with the date of their reception and disposal. It shall be his duty also to prepare and have published the minutes of the Convention, including all the tables of reports from the local churches, the ministerial register, and the report of the Missionary Board. It shall be his duty further to prepare the biennial report for the delegate to the General Convention, on same blanks as used by local Secretaries. 5. It shall be the duty of the Official Board to investigate rumors which may reflect upon the preachers of the Convention, to hear complaints against and to settle differences between them, when possible, without a trial before the Convention.
1. All officers of the General Convention shall be elected biennially, and shall be in the experience of the Pentecostal baptism of the Spirit at the time of their election. The General Superintendent and the Assistants shall have been members of some of the Annual Conventions for at least two years preceding their election. 2. The officers of the General Convention shall constitute the Official Board, which shall be composed of the General Superintendent, one or more Assistant General Superintendents, the General Secretary and Treasurer, and at least three General Trustees of church property. 3. It shall be the duty of the General Superintendent to preside at the General Convention, to act as chairman of the Official Board, to ordain preachers and organize Conventions in new territory, sitting as chairman of such conventions for the first two annual sessions, and to preach the Word, giving his influence, and as far as possible his entire time, to the spreading of Pentecostal holiness throughout his jurisdiction. 4. It shall be the duty of the General Secretary and Treasurer to keep a faithful record of all the business proceedings of the General Convention, and an account of all monies received, including all collections for whatever cause, and for what cause the same was paid out. He shall also keep a register, in which shall be recorded the location of each Convention, and the number of its churches and preachers, and the names and addresses of all the members of the Official Boards in the Annual Conventions.
It shall be his duty to prepare and have published the minutes of the General Convention, including the tables of reports from the Annual Conventions. It shall be his duty further to have printed and keep on sale blank reports for local and annual Secretaries. 5. It shall be the duty of the General Board of Trustees to hold in trust abandoned church property, and property and money bequeathed to The Pentecostal Holiness Church for general distribution. 6. It shall be the duty of the Official Board to investigate rumors which may reflect upon the character of the General Superintendent, and to settle differences between preachers of separate Conventions, when possible, without trial before the General Convention; to examine into deeds and titles of general church property, seeing that they are properly drawn and recorded, and to arrange as far as possible for the protection of such property against foreclosures for debts and other claims.
1. Let each church appoint a Board of Trustees, to whom deeds for church property shall be made, in accordance with the laws of their respective States and Territories, whose duty it shall be to receive and hold in trust all property that may be deeded to The Pentecostal Holiness Church, for the benefit of the individual church to which they may belong. 2. This board shall secure a warranty deed to all property whenever it is practicable. When said property shall cease to be used by the society for religious purposes it
shall revert to the General Board of Trustees, unless otherwise specified in the deed. 3. Let it be specified in each deed to church property that it shall be for the use and benefit of the ministry and membership of The Pentecostal Holiness Church.
1. No one shall be admitted to full membership in this church who is not in full accord with the teachings of the same as set forth in the Basis of Union. 2. He must also give satisfactory evidence aside from his own testimony that he is regenerated, clearly justified, seeking to be sanctified, and groaning after the Pentecostal baptism of the Spirit. 3. In accordance with these professions, all who remain with us shall take as their rule of conduct the Word of God, and shall conform outwardly as well as inwardly in their daily walk and conversation to its simple teachings (Gal. 6: 16). 4. We are commanded in God's Word not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, and to have no communion or fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, such as oathbound secret societies, social clubs and corrupt partisan politics (2 Cor. 6: 14; Eph. 5: 11); not to be conformed to this world (Rom. 12: 2); to come out from among them and be separate (2 Cor. 6: 17); and even to turn away from those who have the form of godliness but deny the power thereof (2 Tim. 3: 5); to cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit (2 Cor. 7: 1), such as the use, growth, sale or handling of tobacco
in every form, or of morphine, or intoxicants; filthiness of speech, foolish talking or jesting, or the use of slang language; to abstain from all appearance of evil (1 Thes. 5: 22); and to do all we do to the glory of God and in the name of Jesus Christ (Col. 3: 17; 1 Cor. 10: 31); to wear no outward adorning, such as jewelry, gold, feathers, flowers, costly apparel or ornamentation of any kind (1 Tim. 2: 9; 1 Peter 3: 3); and a practical observance of all these Scriptural requirements, and a complete separation from anything which does not tend to deepen our own spirituality and promote the glory of God, is hereby required of all our members. 5. All our members shall be required to observe the Lord's day according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the holy apostles, and to abstain from doing their own pleasure thereon (Ex. 20: 8-11; Isa. 58: 13; Mark 2: 27, 28). 6. Also, to abstain from mentioning the faults of an absent person, and refuse to listen to those who do, except it be absolutely necessary for the glory of God, and the good of the cause and the person concerned. 7. All our members are required to be patterns of frugality, diligence, faith and charity, taking up the cross daily, and true to the abiding baptism of the Holy Ghost. 8. Also, to witness on all suitable occasions, even if it costs us our lives, to what the Lord has done for us, especially to sanctification, divine healing and the baptism with the Holy Ghost and fire. 9. If any member or minister of a local church shall teach or preach any doctrine not found in our articles of faith, or that is contrary to the general tenor of the Scriptures and tends to break the unity and disturb the harmony of
the church and bring confusion among our people, he shall be advised of such error by the Official Board of the church to which he belongs, and if he persists in such a course he shall be brought before the Official Board, and make his defense, and if the Board shall vote him out of harmony with our doctrines and government, his name shall be erased from the roll of members, and the church shall withdraw its endorsement from him. But if he should not be satisfied with the decision of the Board, or if a number of the members of said church equal to the number of the Official Board that rendered the decision shall be dissatisfied with the decision of the Board. in this instance or any other, they shall have the right to appeal to the whole church, a majority vote of which shall be final. 10. No one shall be admitted to membership in The Pentecostal Holiness Church who has two living companions, or is living with a wife or husband who has two companions still alive. 11. The church adopting this discipline shall not engage in festivals, ice cream suppers, oyster stews, fairs, bazars, or in any other business in the name of the church for tile purpose of its financial support, but each member shall give directly of his means for the support of the cause as God has prospered him. While the individual member is left free to decide for himself the amount which he ought to give to God, yet we, as a church, believe that one-tenth of our net income really belongs to God, and that in addition to this we ought to give free will offerings for the support of His cause, and
that according to His promise, He will pour upon us abundant blessing for so doing. Malachi 3: 8-10. 12. All our evangelists and workers shall cause the members to know what is expected of them regarding everything expressed or implied in the general rules, and shall deal faithfully with every one.
SECTION V. MISSIONS. Each local church shall organize a Missionary Society, and all its members will be expected to join and use their influence to build up and increase the membership of the society, and to increase its offerings for missions. The Secretary and Treasurer of each local society should forward regularly all mission money to the Secretary and Treasurer of the Missionary Board of their Annual Convention, to be forwarded by him to the mission field. SECTION VI. DEACONS. At the proper time and place the person organizing the church (or if it be at a church already organized, the pastor), shall read 1 Tim. 3: 8-13 and Acts 6: 1-8, and ordain the deacon or deacons accordingly. PREACHERS. At any Annual Convention, the Superintendent shall read 1 Tim. 3: 1-5, and the persons desiring to be ordained shall
kneel before the altar; and the Superintendent shall call to his assistance any number of ordained preachers he may desire, and they, together with the Superintendent, shall lay hands upon the persons to be ordained and pray over them.
(Persons applying for membership in The Pentecostal Holiness Church shall be placed conveniently before the congregation, and the pastor - or if there be no pastor, the deacon or some member of the Official Board-shall say:) "Brethren, the Church is of God, and will be preserved to the end of the age for the promotion of His Word, the maintenance of Christian fellowship and discipline, the edification of believers and the preparation of a people for the coming of the Lord. All, of every age and station, stand in need of the means of grace which it alone supplies; and it invites all alike to become fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God. It is therefore the duty of all, who desire to be admitted into its communion, to express their faith in its doctrines and discipline, and to assume its obligations. It is our duty therefore to demand of these persons present whether they are resolved to assume the same."
(Then shall the minister address the candidate as follows:) 1. Have you the forgiveness of your sins? (1 John 1: 9.) 2. Have you peace now with God through our Lord Jesus Christ? (Rom. 5:1.) 3. Have you the witness of the Holy Spirit agreeing with your spirit that you are a child of God? (Rom. 8: 16.) 4. Has no sin, inward or outward, dominion over you? (Rom. 6: 14.) 5. Are you wholly sanctified, according to 1 Thes. 5: 23? 6. Have you the personal Holy Ghost as promised in Luke 11: 13; John 14: 16; 15: 26; 16: 13 and Acts 19: 2? 7. Do you believe in divine healing as in the atonement, and in the laying on of hands, and in anointing with oil? (Isa. 53: 3-5; Matt. 8: 17; Mark 16: 14-18; James 5: 14-16.) 8. Do you believe in the imminent, personal, premillennial second coming of our Lord? (1 Thes. 4: 15-18; 2 Peter 3: 14.) 9. Will you faithfully and loyally witness to all these experiences? (Isa. 43: 10; Luke 24: 48; Acts 2: 32.)
FORM 2. The Lord's Supper. (At the close of the sermon or Scripture lesson, or at any time that may be deemed proper, the pastor, with any members present, and with the deacons who are to par-
ticipate, may gather round the table and kneel with the whole congregation, and the following prayer, or an extemporary one if preferred, shall be offered.) PRAYER Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we praise Thee for Thy great love expressed in the gift of Thy Blessed Son, who suffered death upon the cross for our redemption, and made there a full and sufficient sacrifice and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world, and did institute this blessed sacrament to be a perpetual memorial of His precious death until He comes again. We pray Thee that Thou wilt grant that we receiving these Thy creatures of bread and wine, emblems of His broken body and shed blood, in remembrance of His death and passion, may be partakers of His nature by faith in His precious blood who in the same night that He was betrayed took bread, and when He had given thanks, brake it and gave it to His disciples, saying, 'Take, eat; this is My body, which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.' Likewise after supper He took the cup, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, 'Drink ye all of this; for this is My blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you, and for many, for the remission of sins. Do this as oft as ye shall drink it, in remembrance of Me.' Amen." (Here the minister may partake of the communion in both kinds himself, and deliver to the others around the table, the people still kneeling and repeating the Lord's prayer after the minister, after which a suitable song may be sung, and all Christians present, regardless of denomi-
nation, shall be invited to the altar to commemorate together the death of their blessed Savior. In the administration of the elements, the parties carrying the bread and giving to the participants may say:) "The body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for thee, to preserve thee unto everlasting life. Take and eat this in remembrance that Christ died for thee, and feed on Him by faith with thanksgiving." (And the one that delivereth the cup shall say:) "The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed for thee, preserve thee unto everlasting life. Drink this in remembrance of His shed blood, and be thankful and rejoice in Him." (After all have partaken, the service may close with a prayer or a song, or the benediction, or all these.)
FORM 3. Baptism. (The candidate shall nave the right to choose whatever mode of baptism he prefers. The minister may read a lesson of his own selection from the Word, after which he shall address the congregation, saying:) "Dearly Beloved: The last command of our risen Lord was to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, and His Representative, the blessed Holy Spirit, throughout the Book of Acts enforced this command through the apostles in relation to all who believed in Christ; therefore it is our bounden duty as possessors of His grace to conform to this great commission, both in
the preaching of the Word and the administration of the ordinance of baptism, as opportunity affords." (Here let the candidates for baptism be invited to stand before the congregation, the minister addressing them as follows:) "Dearly Beloved: This act of yours, coming seeking baptism in the name of the Lord, is a public testimony of your professed subjection to Christ and the grace vouchsafed to you in the pardon and cleansing of your soul from sin. But that you may further declare your determination to walk in the commandments of the Lord and in the faith of Christ, you shall, in the presence of God and of this congregation, give answer to the following questions: 1. "Have you faith in Christ?" Ans. "I have." 2. "Have you the witness of the Spirit to your acceptance with God?" Ans. "I have." 3. "Will you endeavor to walk in the fear of God and in the way of His commandments to the end of life?" Ans. "I will endeavor to do so by His grace." 4. "Will you endeavor to seek after all the fulness of God, till all His will and good pleasure are fulfilled in you?" Ans. "I will do so by His grace helping me." 5. "Will you attend divine services as opportunity affords, and contribute of your means for the spread of the full gospel?" Ans. " I will." 6. "Do you desire to be baptized in this faith?" Ans. "That is my desire." (Here the minister shall proceed to administer the ordinance to the candidate, saying:)
"In obedience to the command of the Word of God, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and may the blessings of the Triune God rest upon you." After the baptism of the candidate, the congregation shall sing a hymn, following which prayer shall be offered and the service closed with the benediction.
FORM 4. The Solemnization of Matrimony.
(At the time appointed, the persons to be married standing together, the man on the right and the woman on the left, the minister shall say:) "Dearly Beloved: We are here assembled in the sight of God, and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony; into which holy estate these two persons now come to be joined; therefore, if any can show just cause why they may not be united together, let him now speak, or hereafter, forever, hold his peace." (Addressing the couple, the minister shall say to the man:) "M ---, wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy bonds of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honor her, and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as you both shall live?" (The man shall answer:) "I will."
(Then shall the minister say unto the woman:) "N ---, wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou reverence him, love him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as you both shall live?" (The woman shall answer:) "I wlll." (Then shall the minister join their right hands and say:) "Those whom God bath joined together let not man put asunder. Forasmuch as M --- and N --- have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same, before God and this company, and have pledged their faith either to the other, and have declared the same by joining hands, I pronounce that they are husband and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." (While they stand in this position the minister may offer a short extemporary prayer.)
FORM 5. Burial of the Dead. (The corpse being brought into the church and placed in position, or if in a private house, when the company has gathered, or wherever it may take place, the services may be opened with a suitable song and prayer, and by the reading of a Scripture lesson, at the discretion of the minister. If the Scripture should be read, we sug-
gest 1 Cor. 15: 20-58, or 1 Thes. 4: 13-18, or any other suitable Scripture, after which a song may be sung and a short talk or sermon appropriate to the occasion may be made. When the corpse is let down in the grave, the minister shall say:) "Inasmuch as we are called upon to perform this sad duty for the deceased, we commit this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; looking to Him who is the Resurrection and the Life, at whose second coming in glorious majesty to reign over the earth He will bring those who sleep in Him, and change their corruptible bodies, and make them like unto His own glorious body, according to the mighty working whereby He is able to subdue all things unto Himself." (The following prayer may here be made:) "0 Merciful God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Resurrection and the Life; in whom whosoever believeth shall live, though he die; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Him shall not die eternally: We pray Thee to grant that when we shall depart this life, we may rest in Him; that at His coming to reign with His saints, we may be raised from the dead, and being found acceptable in Thy sight, may receive that blessing which Thy well beloved Son shall pronounce to all that love and fear Thee, saying, 'Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Grant this, we beseech Thee, our Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." (When the grave is filled up, the benediction shall be pronounced:)
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen."
FORM 6. Dedication of a Tabernacle. (The services may be conducted as on other occasions. The lessons may be Gen. 28: 10-22 and Heb. 10: 19-25, or any other, at the discretion of the minister. A collection (if any) may follow the sermon. The officers of the church shall then address the minister through one of their number as follows:) "God has been gracious to us, and through His goodness we have been enabled to build this tabernacle as a house in which to worship Him. We thank Him for it. It is His house, not ours; therefore we present it to you to be set apart from all unholy or common uses, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." (Congregation respond:) "So may it be." (Then shall the minister request the congregation to stand, and shall say:) "We heartily thank God for having put it into the hearts of His people here to build this tabernacle for His worship. He has graciously blessed them in the work, and enabled them to complete it in His name and for His glory. Therefore we solemnly dedicate it to His service for the reading and the preaching of His blessed Word; for the administration of His ordinances, and for all other acts of religious worship. And now, that He may ac-
cept this house as the work of our hands and add His approval and blessings to the same, let us devoutly pray." (Then, all kneeling, the minister shall offer the following prayer or any other, at his discretion:) "0 Lord, our Heavenly Father, with grateful hearts we bow in Thy presence at this hour, to thank Thee for all of Thy goodness to us; especially that Thou didst put into the hearts of these, Thy people, to build this place for Thy worship; and that Thou didst give them the means with which to complete it; and that Thou didst incline the hearts of the people who were not even Christians to contribute to this blessed work. Thou gavest us friends that we knew not of. For all this we thank Thee, and pray Thy richest blessings upon all who helped in this way, with money, or labor, or even good will, in erecting this house. May they be richly rewarded for what they have done. And now we ask Thee that Thou wilt accept this house as an humble expression of our love to Thee for the gift of Thy precious Son; and as Thou didst fill the temple with Thy presence and glory, so we pray Thee that Thou wilt fill this house continually, with Thy presence and with Thy glory. Preserve this house which we set apart to Thy service from injury and desecration. Let Thy Holy Spirit accompany Thy Word and ordinances that shall be here administered from time to time. May sinners be convicted here, and many sons and daughters be born to the Lord God Almighty. May believers be sanctified, and baptized with the Spirit, and the suffering bodies of Thy children be healed of all their diseases. Let Thy people be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy
house, and make them to drink of the river of Thy pleasures. May their children here be safely sheltered in the fold of Christ, and brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. May living waters go forth from this sanctuary, carrying joy and gladness to many hearts and homes. Let Thy work appear unto Thy servants, and Thy glory unto their children. Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us; and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands, establish Thou it. Let those who shall minister here be clothed with salvation, and let Thy saints ever shout for joy. Make this house, 0 Lord, Thy dwelling place through the Holy Spirit. Now, blessed Father, it is in Thine hands. The house is Thine; we are Thine; and the kingdom, and the glory and the power are Thine; bless us and this house, and use us for Thy glory, for Jesus' sake. Amen." (Services may then be concluded with the doxology and the benediction, or in any other way, at the discretion of the minister.)
FORMS OF LICENSE. Mission Worker's License. This is to certify that the bearer, -----, has been duly licensed as a Mission Worker of The Pentecostal Holiness Church, and is hereby affectionately commended to the fellowship of all Christians with whom ----- may be called to labor in the service of the Lord. Superintendent. Secretary. (Date.)
Local Preacher's License. This certifies that the bearer hereof, -----, has been duly licensed to preach, according to the Word of God and the Constitution and General Rules of The Pentecostal Holiness Church. Done at ----------, this ----- day of ---------- , l9--. Superintendent. Secretary.
Certificate of Ordination This is to certify that the bearer hereof, -----, has been duly and regularly ordained as a Minister of the Gospel, according to the Word of God and the Constitution and General Rules of The Pentecostal Holiness Church, -----gifts being such as to qualify ----- for this ordained position. The bearer hereof shall have authority to administer the Sacrament, to solemnize matrimony, and to perform all the duties of necessity belonging to the ministry of the Word, as long as ----- life and conduct become a Minister of the Gospel. In token whereof we have hereunto set our hands this -- day of ---------19--. Superintendent. Secretary.
General Superintendent. - S.D. Page, Falcon, N. C. Assistant General Superintendents. - AH. Butler, Kinston, N.C.; J.H. King, Falcon, N. C. General Secretary and Treasurer. - A.E. Robinson, Station A, Columbia, S.C. General Trustees. - D. Page, G.0. Gaines, H.P. Lott, J.A. Culbreth, A.E. Robinson.
STATE SUPERINTENDENTS. South Alabama, Northwest Florida and South Georgia. - H.A. Smith, Wetumpka, Fla. Georgia and Upper South Carolina. - G.0. Gaines, Royston, Ga. Eastern North Carolina and Lower South Carolina - John J. Carter, Chadbourn, N.C. Western North Carolina. - A.H. Butler, Kinston, N.C.; M.D. Sellers, Falcon, N.C. Oklahoma. - Harry P. Lott, Box 731, Oklahoma City, Okia. Virginia.- E.D. Reeves, 337 Fourth Ave., N.W., Roanoke, Va. Colored Convention. - W.P. Barr, Vox, S.C.
Three things in which every member of The Pentecostal Holiness. Church should be interested:
The Apostolic Evangel An 8 page Pentecostal paper, published semi-monthly, at $1.00 a year
Falcon Holiness School A safe place to educate your children
The Falcon Orphanage An institution to care for destitute children
For information in regard to the above, write J.A. CULBRETH, FALCON, N.C. |