PCTII Network Database
Use the search feature of your browser to locate known persons.
If your data are incorrect, please notify Dr.
Harold D. Hunter
Lic. Maximo Chavez
Semnario Ministerial del Cono
Casilla de Comeo 47
1413 Sucursal 13B
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr. Norberto Saracco
Avenida de Trabajo 5170
1439 Capital Federal
Telephone & Fax 54-1-682-7930
Mrs. Lidia Susan Vaccaro de Petrella
c/o Part. Avellandeda 3765 "A"
Buenos Aires
Dr. Jose Miguez Bonino
Instituto Seminario Evangelico
Buenos Aires
541-795-8468 fx
FullName: Kathleen Griffin
Title: Professor, adjunct professor
Academic Post(s): faculty, Seminario Emanuel, Asociación La Iglesia de
Dios; and facutly, Instituto Universitario - ISEDET
Graduate Institution: Th.M., Princeton Theological Seminary
Religious Affiliation: PC(USA) and Asociación La Iglesia De Dios
Academic Discipline: At IU-ISEDET, history of Christianity; at Seminario
Emanuel, Bible, history and theology
Subject Specialization: My Th..M. was done in Reformation Studies,
however currently I am very much of a generalist
WorkPhone: 54-11-4657-2421
E-mail: kgriffin@interlink.com.ar
AnyOfSeveral_Professor: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Church Leader:
Date: 3/8/2002
publications: I have written or revised
study manuals for students at the Seminario Emanuel of ALIDD on La Historia del
Movimiento Pentecostal, Lectura Bíblica, and Las Cartas Universales. For ISEDET,
I have had an article published on the internet, and I believe in a journal
published by the Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias (CLAI) on "Las
frustraciones y los éxitos de la Reforma Protestante Española del siglo XVI". My
research and writing for the year 2002 will include study manuals on the
Synoptic Gospels and the Pauline Epistles for ALIDD, and for ISEDET, research on
Christianity and the indigenous communities of Greater Chaco, and a presentation
on Jan Huss.
ecumenical: I am an ordained minister of
the Presbyterian Church (USA) working in theological education in Argentina with
a Pentecostal association (Asociación La Iglesia de Dios - ALIDD) and at an
ecumenical Protestant theological university, Instituto Superior Evangélico de
Estudios Teológicos. Furthermore, I am married to an ordained Pentecostal pastor
justice, peace, creation: As a minister and a
pastor's wife, I am involved in a popular women's Bible study group in which we
study issues of poverty, domestic violence, unemployment, motherhood and drug
addictions or alcoholism, and other day to day issues that pentecostal women in
poor neighborhoods live with. I am also working, through ISEDET, in a program
for theological education among original peoples, with a group of some 60
aboriginal peoples in the greater Chaco area, all of whom worship in Pentecostal
Dr. Mervin Breneman
Visiting Professor, Columbia Biblical Seminary
Prof of OT at Seminario Internacion Teologico in Buenos Aires
Independent, Mennonite Baptist
Publications: Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther in New American Commentary, Broadman
Press. Many articles in Spanish.
Ecumenical: Iglesia Bautista del Centro in Buenos Aires
Missionaries for 36 years with Latin America Mission
Temp address:
Merv and Dona Breneman
101c Wcycliffe Drive
Willow Street, PA 17584
FullName: Miguel A. Albanez
Academic Post(s): Ph. D. Student
Graduate Institution: Fuller Theological Seminary
Religious Affiliation:
Academic Discipline: History/Church Growth
Subject Specialization: Pentecostalism in Brazil
E-mail: albanez@aol.com
Country: USA/Brazil
AnyOfSeveral_Student_PhD: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Church Leader: ON
Date: 11 Aug 1998
publications: An Introduction to the History of the Pentecostal Movement
in Brazil (Th. M. Thesis)
FullName: Norberto Foerster
Title: Mestre em Ciências da Religião
Academic Post(s):
Graduate Institution: Pontificia Universidade Católica São Paulo - Brazil
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
Academic Discipline: Science of religion
Subject Specialization: Study of youth
WorkPhone: 0055 13 821 4398
FAX: 0055 13 821 4398
E-mail: norberto@virtualway.com.br
Country: Brazil
AnyOfSeveral_Student_ThM: On
AnyOfSeveral_Church Leader: ON
Date: 03 Dec 1998
publications: A Identidade religiosa de jovens católicos da periferia
FullName: Paulo Ayres Mattos
Title: Bishop
Academic Post(s): Student
Graduate Institution: Christian Theological Seminary - Indianapolis, IN
Religious Affiliation: Methodist Church in Brazil
Academic Discipline: Systematic Theology
Subject Specialization: Brazilian Neo-Pentecostal Theology
WorkPhone: *
FAX: *
E-mail: ayresmattos@earthlink.net
URL: *
Country: USA
AnyOfSeveral_Student_ThM: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Church Leader: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Other: ON
Date: 12 Mar 2001
publications: 1. Book: Mais de Um Século de Educação Metodista - Tentativa de
Um Sumário Histórico-Teológico de Uma Aventura Educacional, Piracicaba, São
Paulo, Brasil: COGEIME (Conselho Geral das Instituições Metodistas de Ensino),
October 2000, 96 pp. 2. STM Thesis: The Theology of the Brazilian Autonomous
Pentecostalism - Christian Theological Seminary - August 2001; 3. Several
articles in Methodist newspapers and magazines; sermons, conferences and essays
published in books on mission and evangelism, Christian social and political
engagement; ecumenical issues; church related schools and universities; pastoral
theology; biblical studies, etc...
ecumenical: 1. Ecumenical Center for Documentation and Informattion (CEDI -
Brazilian Branch of ISAL - Church and Society in Latin America)- Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil, Executive Secretary - 1974-1978. 2. ISAL (Church and Society in Latin
America) - Member of the Presidium - 1974-1981; 3. Latin American Council of the
Evangelical Methodist Churches - President of the Board of Directors -
1978-1983; 4. Ecumenical Center for Documentation and Information (CEDI)- Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil - President - 1978-1994; 5. Member of the Methodist-Lutheran
Dialogue Committee- WMC-WLF - 1979-1981; 6. Ecumenical Service Coordination -
Salvador, Bahia - Member of the Board of Directors -1988 - 1994; 7. Diaconia -
Recife, Brazil -Member of the Board of Directors - 1989-1994; 8. World Council
of Churches - Geneva, Switzerland - Member of the Central Committee - 1991-1998;
9. Diaconia - Recife, Brazil - President of the Board of Directors - 1994-2000;
10. KOINONIA, Ecumenical Presence and Service - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -
President of the Board of Directors - 1994 to the present.
justice, peace, creation: 1. Human Rights - Brazil and Latin America: several
commissions, committees - church and society; 2. Combat to Racism - Brazil and
WCC; 3. National Committee for Food Security - Federal Government - Brasilia,
Brazil - 1992-1995; 4. Social Programs for Street Children and Homeless Children
in Recife, Brazil. 5. Landless Workers Movement
comments: 1.Between 1963 and 1978 I served as ordained Methodist minister
churches in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro; 2. I served as bishop of the
Methodist Church in Brazil for twenty years, from December 1978 until January
1998, when I retired as Bishop Emeritus: 1978-1988 - Rio de Janeiro Area;
1988-1998 - NE Brazil Missionary Conference. 3. Between 1998 and 2000 I served
as the Coordinator of the Research Center on Methodism and Education - Methodist
University of Piracicaba, São Paulo - Brazil; 4. Since last August I have been
at CTS working in a STM Program, with special focus in the theology of the
Brazilian Neo-Pentecostal churches, as the Universal Church of the Kingdom of
God; 5. At this moment, I am in conversation with Drew University on future
possibilities for a PH.D. in Systematic Theology area, with Dr. Donald Dayton
and Dr. Otto Maduro, on the Brazilian Neo Pentecostal Theology(ies).
FullName: Antonio Fernando C. D. Coletta
Title: theology student and research
Academic Post(s): Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Graduate Institution: bachelor
Religious Affiliation: Assemblies of God
Academic Discipline: Religion Sciences
Subject Specialization: Ethics, Religion History, missiology
WorkPhone: 5511 9232 0168
E-mail: fcoletta@terra.com.br
Country: Brasil
AnyOfSeveral_Student_PhD/ThD: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Church Leader: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Other: ON
Date: 11/5/2004
publications: Pentecostalism History in
Assemblies of God Brasil
ecumenical: pastoring, couseling,
justice, peace, creation: member of several NGO
for justice and ethics
Rev. Damivan G. Santos
Pastor and Professor
Faculty and Executive
Th.M. from Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Seoul, Korea
Baptist Church and Baptist Seminary of Vitoria
Hermeneutics and Missionology
27-223-5030 ph 27-322-44-04 fax
Pub: Evangelism Strategies and Its Relevance to the Brazilian Indians.@
Participated in the WCC meeting in Korea in March, 1990; working as port
chaplain since Feb 1994
Taking care of troubled seafarers who come to the ports of Vitoria - ES -
Brazil; Savin two Indian seament who were threathened by their Iranian officers. (They
As member fo the network of agencies fighting for rights of seafarers
worldwide thorugh the Center for Seafarer=s
Rights of New York
Rev. Orlando Silva
O Brasil Para Cristo
Rua Carlos Vicari
124-CEP 05033-070
Sao Paulo - SP
Erivan da Silva Raposo
Catholic Charismatic
Anthropology of religion and sociology of science
055-061-318-6878 off 318-2141 fax
Dr. Jung Mo Sung
Associate Professor
Pontifica Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Did his graduate work at Universidade Metodista de Sao Paulo
Author of two books:
Teolgia y economia (Madri, Espana: Ed. Nuveva Utopia, 1996)
Neoliberalismo y pobreza (San Jose, Costa Rica: DEI, 1995)
Discipline: Science of Religion
Subject: Theology and economy
Rev. Levi DeCarvalho
Ph.D. student at Fuller in Anthropology and Mission
Shamans and Missionaries among the Ter Ana Indians of Southwest Brazil
Charles H. Kraft, mentor.
Dr. Juan Sepulveda
Pentecostal Mission Church
Av. Blanco Encalada 1939
Santiago, Chile
562-716736 phone 331-42814001 fax
Passy 032 - Providencia
Casilla 238
Santiago 3, Chile
562-227-9255 ph or 2222681
562-634-6786 fax
actually address for Samuel Palma, brother of Marta Palma
Rev. Oscar Avello Faundez
Los Lomos 2845
Villa La Pintana
La Pintana
Santiago, Chile
Lic. Jairo Roa
a/c Apdo. Aereo 57408
Rev. Luis A. Gutierrez
Apartado Aero 56036
Bogotoa, D.E.
Colombia, South America
255-8815 (off) 217-3128 (res)
Lic. Arturo Mendieta
Apdo. Aereo 57408
Rev. Douglas Peterson
Latin American ChildCare
Apartado 1209
San Jose, Costa Rica
Lic. Melech Antonio Escalante Lugo
Apartado 388
Maracaibo-Zulia Venezuela
In Costa Rica
Apartado 901
San Jose
FullName: Osias Segura
Title: Mr.
Academic Post(s): Missionary
Graduate Institution: Asbury Theological Seminary
Religious Affiliation:
Academic Discipline: Contextual Theology
Subject Specialization: folk-Catholicism
E-mail: osiasegura@netscape.net
URL: www.localtheologies.org
Country: Costa Rica/USA
AnyOfSeveral_Student_ThM: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Professor: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Church Leader: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Other: ON
Date: 21 Apr 2001
publications: -M.Div. Thesis, Asbury Theological Seminary, August 2000.
title: "Contextualization as an approach to folk-Catholics in Costa Rica: A
few examples of how reading the cultural religiosityof folk-Catholics can
provide better options for evangelizing them."
Asbury Theological Seminary, ESJ School of Missions and Evangelism. Th.M.
Scholarly paper, May 2001 "Costa Rican evangelical churches, folk-Catholics
and conversion."
ecumenical: Kairos:Movimiento de Jovenes Cristianos (1992), Costa Rica.
Dr. Guillermo Cook
Apdo. Postal 634-1150
(La Uruca) San José
Costa Rica
011-506-312350 ph/fx
Lic. Roger Cabezas
Apdo. Postal 460-7050
Cartago, Costa Rica
723233 home
506--360632 fax
Sr. Gerando Carballo S.
Comite Ecumenico Pro-Derechos Humanos
Apdo. Postal 7152
1000 San Jose
Costa Rica
Dr. Luis Segreda
Costa Rica
Hno. Jorge Estrada
Iglesia Cuadrangular
Aptdo. 254-1000
San José
267424 hm 506-266931 fx
Dr. Dalton Said Henriques [now in Brazil]
Dr. Carmelo A. Alvarez
Assoc. Prof. of Church History and Theology
Director, Cross-Cultural Studies
Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ_
Church History, Ecumenism
Pentecostalism in Latin America
317-031-2351 ph 317-931-2399 fax
More than 100 articles on Latin American and Caribbean Christianity.
Forthcoming dissertation on God's Missions:
Disciples and Pentecostals in Venezuela, 1960-1980. Six books in Spanish one in English
Member, Faith and Order, NCCCUSA; EATWOT Member, AETH Member, SPS
20 years of involvement on violation of human rights in Latin America.
Co-founder of several commission for justice and solidarity in Central America.
I work extensively with Pentecostal Churches in Latin America, including
advisor for CEPLA ...
(Latin American Council of America)
Rev. Tomas Scull
Iglesia de Dios en Cuba
a/c Apdo. Postal 14029
Marianao 14, Playa
Ciudad Havana, Cuba
Dr. David Ramirez
Graduate Institution: Licenciado en Teologia Seminario Biblico
Religious Affiliation: Pentecostal-Asociacion La Iglesia de Dios
Academic Discipline: NT, SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY
WorkPhone: (593-2) 265-158
FAX: (593-2) 439-576
E-mail: dolivam@hotmail.com
Country: ECUADOR
AnyOfSeveral_Student_ThM: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Professor: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Church Leader: ON
Date: 14 Feb 2001
MIEMBRO DE LA COMISIÓN DE TEOLOGIA DEL CLAI. CLAI-Secretaria Regional del Riod de la Plata. Secretario
Regional Adjunto (1986-1989). CMI-Grupo de Trabajo sobre Juventud-1986-1991.
FTL-Nucleo Guayaquil.1999.
FullName: Eloy H. Nolivos
Title: Associate Professor
Academic Post(s): Faculty Seminario Sudamericano
Graduate Institution: Church of God Theological Seminary
Religious Affiliation: Church of God (Cleveland, TN)
Academic Discipline: Church History
Subject Specialization:
WorkPhone: 423.476.5124
E-mail: eloynolivos@aol.com
Country: Ecuador
AnyOfSeveral_Professor: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Church Leader: ON
Date: 1/31/2002
Lic. Adrian Archillo Fernando
27 Calle OTE No. 134
San Salvador
El Salvador
Rev. Roberto Aldana
S. Nat'l Dis., Iglesia de Dios
Apartado Postal 316-1
01907 Guatemala
Professor Juan Manuel Castaneda
a/c Apdo. Postal 102
Rev. Samuel Berberian
Apartado Postal 1602
Guatemala City 01901
78-0634 - 23572
Fr. Ignacio Diaz de Leon
San Luis Potosi 155
Colonia Roma Sur.
06700 Mexico, D.F.Mexico
Fr. Salvador Gonzalez Medina
Moneda 85
14000 Mexico, D.F.Mexico
Dr. Juarev Uribe V.
Monte Sam Elias No. 1663
Col. Independencia
Guadalajara Valisco
Coordinador de Educacion Teologica, CEPLA
Patricia Fortuny
Patria 36-301
Col Real Vallarta
C.P. 45030
Valisio, Mexico
Fr. Raul Duarte
Victoria 98
14000 Mexico, D.F.Mexico
Fr. Lazaro Perez Jimenez
Victorioa 98
14000 Mexico, D.F.Mexico
Rev. Manuel Gaxiola-Gaxiola
Apartado 84
06000 Mexico DF
011-525-208-3981 ph
Javier Urbe & Ismael Martin del Campo
Aptd. Postal No. 43-106
Mexico, D.F. 07880
5503822 fax
Prof. Adolfo Sequeira
Apdo. Postal 2330
Rev. Manuel Porto Carrero
Apdo. Postal 3091
Managua, Nicaragua
666102-666071 ph 011-505-2-664236 fx
Rev. Miguel Angel Casco G.
Artdo. 706
24332, 22074(9?) ph
Alberto R. Moke
Apartado 6-1413
El Dorado
35-9769 (res) 64-7427 (off) 23-0803 (fx)
Represents CLAI [Cen Amer Counc of Chuch] in Panama
Rev. Rigoberto A. Ramos
Director de Educación Teolóica
Centro de Formacino Ministerial
Iglesia de Dios
Apartado 9621
Panamá 4
507-20-5492 ph & fax
Rev. Laguna
Apartado 62
Bernardo Campos
Title: Director
Academic Post(s): Instituto Peruano de Estudios de la Religión
Graduate Institution: Th.M
Religious Affiliation: Pentecostal
Academic Discipline: Thelogy
Subject Specialization: Teacher of Systematic
WorkPhone: (511) 550-3965
FAX: (511) 423-6046
E-mail: relep21@yahoo.com
URL: www.pentecostalidad.org
Country: PERU
AnyOfSeveral_Student_PhD/ThD: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Professor: ON
AnyOfSeveral_Church Leader:
AnyOfSeveral_Other: ON
Date: 5/4/2005
publications: Artículos 1. “Educación Cristiana
y Cultura Andina”, en José Duque (Editor), Una Sociedad en la que Quepan Todos.
Encuentro de Teólogos Latinoamericanos. Medellín Colombia, 1997 2. “El Influjo
de las Huacas: La Espiritualidad Pentecostal en el Perú” en: Tomás Gutiérrez
(comp.) Protestantismo y Cultura en América Latina. Aportes y Proyecciones.
Ecuador: CLAI, 1994 3. Religión y Liberación del Pueblo. Lima, Perú: Opúsculos
CEPS, 1989 4. “Pentecostalism: A Latin American View”, en Hubert van Beeck
(Editor), Consultation with Pentecostals in the Americas. San José, Costa Rica
4-8 June. Geneva, Suiza, 1996. 5. “En la Fuerza del Espíritu: Pentecostalismo,
Teología y Ética Social”, en: Benjamín Gutiérrez (Editor), En la Fuerza del
Espíritu: Los pentecostales en América Latina, Un desafío a las Iglesias
Históricas. Guatemala: Fondo de Cultura Editorial, 1995 [Traducida al ingles y
al portugués, 1997] 6. “El Pentecostalismo y los Nuevos Actores Religiosos.
Cuestiones para una investigación”, Revista Caminos. CEPS, 1997 7. “El Quehacer
Teológico Pentecostal y el Proceso de su Producción Simbólica”, en Carmelo
Álvarez (Editor) Pentecostalismo y Liberación. San José, Costa Rica: DEI, 1992
Publicaciones anteriores Ensayos y Monografías 1. Identidad y Función de los
Pentecostalismos en los Procesos de Cambio Social. (Trad. Ingles por Dorothy
Quijada: “Identity And Function Of Pentecostalism In The Processes Of Social
Change: Principal hypotheses that explain the appearance, insertion, presence
and expansion of Pentecostalism in Latin American”) 2. Responsabilidad Social de
la Iglesia. Teorías y Propuestas. Lima Perú 1999. 3. “Situación y Perspectivas
de la Educación Teológica en el Perú”. (Traducido al Alemán por Hugo
Rotrisberger) Misión de Basilea, Suiza, 1993 4. La Violencia en una Perspectiva
Bíblica y Teológica. Lima, Perú: COPES, 1994 5. Educación Teológica y
Crecimiento de la Iglesia Lima, Perú: IPER, 1994 6. Hacia Una División Del
Trabajo Religioso: La Función de las "Iglesias" y de las Disidencias Religiosas"
en la Sociedad. Lima, Perú: IPER, 1994 7. Pentecostalismo y Poder Político En El
Perú. Lima, Perú: IPER, 1996 8. El pentecostalismo y los Nuevos Actores
Religiosos: Cuestiones para una investigación 9. Éxtasis Chamanico y Éxtasis
Pentecostal: Un Análisis Comparativo A la luz de la Fenomenología de Mircea
Eliade, en SIER, La Religión en el Perú. Pontificia Universidad Católica del
Perú. Lima, Perú: 2001 10. Fenomenología del Culto Pentecostal. 11. Liderazgo y
Administración del Poder en las Comunidades Pentecostales Tradicionales 12. El
dialogo ínter confesional en el marco de la Libertad Religiosa 13. De la
Experiencia a la Teología Pentecostal 14. Teología y Otra Modernidad 15. Qué es
una Secta. Una perspectiva Teológica 16. Hacia una Hermenéutica del Espíritu.
Una reinterpretación del “Sensus Plenior” desde la pentecostalidad. Libros y
Módulos Programados 1. De la Reforma Protestante a la Pentecostalidad de la
Iglesia. Quito, Ecuador: CLAI, 1997 2. La Tarea Hermenéutica. Lima, Perú: CEPS,
1989 3. El Proceso de la Predicación. Lima, Perú: FPT, 1995 4. Hermenéutica /
Interpretación de la Biblia. Lima, Perú: 2da. Edición. FPT, 1996 5. Introducción
a la Teología. Lima, Perú: FPT, 1996 6. Fundamentos del Trabajo Pastoral Lima,
Perú: FPT, 1996 7. Técnicas de Estudio Lima, Perú: FPT, 1996 8. Introducción al
Nuevo Testamento Lima, Perú: FPT, 1996 9. Introducción al Antiguo Testamento
Lima, Perú: FPT, 1996 10. Educación Cristiana Lima, Perú: FPT, 1997 11. El Libro
de los Hechos Lima, Perú: FPT, 1997 12. Liderazgo y Conducción de Grupos Lima,
Perú: FPT, 1997 13. Introducción a la Misiología Lima, Perú: FPT, 1997 14.
Primera Epístola a Timoteo Lima, Perú: FPT, 1997 15. La Doctrina del Espíritu
Santo Lima, Perú: FPT, 1997 16. La Doctrina de la Iglesia Lima, Perú: FPT, 1997
En Preparación 17. La Acción social del Protestantismo Evangélico Peruano 18. En
Dios Haremos Proezas. Lima, Perú: IPER (teología narrativa) 19. Consideraciones
para una Teología de la Paz. 20. El ideal de santidad en las iglesias
pentecostales. 21. Introducción al estudio antropológico de las Sectas
ecumenical: -Advisor for CLAI (Comité de
Teología) -Conferencista en el Dialogo Pentecostal-Catolico Romano (CELAM) -Conferencista
ante WCC sobre Temas Pentecostales de América Latina -Equipo ejecutivo en la ONG
Proceso Kairós Perú
justice, peace, creation: He participado de
varias consultas sobre el tema, y trabajo el tema en mis clases de teología
comments: Gracias por este espacio de diálogo
Dr. Ruben Perez
Evangelical Council of Puerto Rico
Box 21343
Pio Piedras, Puerto Rico 09928
Dr. Wilfredo Estrada Adorno
Apartada 20821
Rio Piedras 00928
Puerto Rico
809-799-4460 ph
809-753-3844 fax
809-748-1728 res
809-748-0855 church
Fr. Ceferino Santos, SJ
c/o Padre Provincial
Compania de Jesus
Lauria 13
08010 Barcelona
Fr. P. Hector Valle, SJ
c/o Padre Provincial
Compania de Jesus
Lauria 13
08010 Barcelona
Fr. P. Jose Maria Verges, SJ
c/o Padre Provincial
Compania de Jesus
Lauria 13
08010 Barcelona
Jorge E. Maldonado
32 Ch. du Pommier
1218 Grand-Saconnex
4122-791-6484 off 4122-788-0334 res
4122-791-0361 fx
Hna. Marta Palma
Secretaria para America Latina
Consejo Mundial de Iglesias
150 Route de Ferney
casilla Postall 2100
1211 Geneva
4122-7916111 ph
4122-7910361 fax
Rev. Ramon Castillo
CEVEC Aptdo 30137
Caracas 1030 - H
Rev. Gamaliel Lugo Morales
Comission Evangelical Pentecostal Latinoamerican
Sector la Pomona
Calle 102 No. 102 F-17
Apartado postal 388 Maracaibo, Edo Zulia
5861-237205 ph 5861-237205 fax
Union Evangelica Pentecostal Venezolana
Aptdo. Postal 388
Maracaibo, Estado Zulia
5861-310085 ph/fx
head of CEPLA
Sra. Maritza Leon
Iglesia Evangelical Pentecostal Koinonia
Apartado 213
Los Teques, Estado Miranda
5814-318537 ph 58-2-7826140 fax