Claiming Our Legacy

Preserving the Pentecostal Heritage for the 21st Century
A Workshop for Pentecostal Archivists, Historians and Record
May 29, 2001 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
What Records to Keep
Dealing with Donors
Legal Issues
Tour of the latest Pentecostal Archives facilities
Workshop Participants:
Local Church Archivists and Historians
National/State/Conference Archivists and Historians
Denominational Archivists and Historians
College Archivists and Historians
Asian Pentecostal Society - May 28
Azusa St. Tours - May 28, May 29, May 31
Stay for the Centennial Celebration of the Pentecostal World Conference, May
29-31, 2001
Special tracks on Pentecostal History and Theology
The $25 workshop fee for the archives seminar includes notebook and preservation resources and
samples. A hot lunch will be available for an additional $8.00 per person.
For more information contact:
IPHC Archives and Research Center
PO Box 12609
Oklahoma City, OK 73157
(405) 787-7110
The archives seminar will be held May 29 at Angelus Temple in
downtown Los Angelus. The sessions will begin at 9:00 AM and end at 4:00 PM that
afternoon. This will permit time to tour Angelus Temple and still
arrive on time for the evening PWC service.
The Foursquare Headquarters building and Angelus Temple
are 2 miles north of downtown Los Angeles.
Coming from the north on I5 or from the east on the 210
freeway - take the 2 freeway south until it empties onto Glendale Blvd. Continue
for 1 mile until you see the 10 story building ahead of you. This is the
Foursquare Headquarters building. Continue on Glendale Blvd. just past this
building. Turn right into the parking lot immediately past Park Ave.
Coming from the airport or other directions - Drive toward
downtown Los Angeles and get on the 101 freeway going north. Take the Echo Park
Ave. exit and continue straight after the stop sign onto Echo Park Ave. Turn
left at the next intersection which will be Park Ave. Turn left onto Glendale
Ave. and immediately turn right into the parking lot.
Walk up Park Ave. turning right at Sunset Blvd. to reach
the entrance of the building. A Cal-Fed bank is on the first floor. Our group
will be meeting on the 3rd floor.
The 19th PWC is significant because it will celebrate the
pentecostal centennial. In recognition of this milestone, special sessions will
be held on pentecostal history during the conference. In addition, there will be
three days of special tours that will focus on Azusa St.
and other major sites in the area. Space
is limited for the tours, so register early for one of these special tours led by
Dr. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.
The PWC brochure provides space for one to
register for the archives seminar. The registration fee is $25. Most of the same information
is now provided on the PWC web where one was able to register
For general questions about the PWC schedule
[incomplete] and housing, please visit the official web:
May 28,
2001 Third annual meeting of Asian Pentecostal
Society and the 10th annual meeting of the Theological Conference on the
Holy Spirit will sponsor A Conference for the Non-Western Pentecostal Movement
in Anaheim, California. Partners in the event include Asian Theological Society,
Bethesda University, International Theological Institute (Seoul, Korea), Korean
Pentecostal Society, National Forum of Pentecostal Theologians (India), South
African Pentecostal Forum, and Yoido Full Gospel Church (Seoul, Korea.) Contact Dr.
Young-hoon Lee, Bethesda
Christian University, for more information. Area coordinators are: Asia - Dr.
Paulson Pulikottil; Latin America - Dr.
Miguel Alvarez; Africa - Dr. Matthew
Clark; At Large - Dr. Wonsuk Ma.
Harold D. Hunter, Ph.D.
IPHC Archives & Research Center

IPHC Archives©2000-2001
Last revised:
May 27, 2005