Cyberjournal 14
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Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research

Table of Contents #14

May 2005


This is a special edition commemorating the launching of the Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America - PCCNA

October 17-19, 1994, Memphis, Tennessee, "Pentecostal Partners: A Reconciliation Strategy for 21st Century Ministry"


"The Past: Historical Roots of Racial Unity and Division" by Dr. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr. Due to the length of this paper some may prefer an Adobe Acrobat file which requires the freely distributed Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Responses from Dr. Oliver Haney and Dr. Lamar Vest

"The Present: The Problem of Racism and Discrimination and Our Racial Division in the Pentecostal Movement" by Dr. Leonard Lovett
Responses from Dr. Robert Franklin and Rev. Thomas Trask

"The Ideal: The Biblical Pattern of Unity" by Dr. William Turner
Responses from Dr. Ray Hughes and Bishop Barbara Amos

"The Future: Strategy for Reconciliation" by Dr. Vinson Synan
Responses from Dr. Clifton Buckrham and Bishop Charles Blake

Reconciliation, a journal for PCCNA edited by Dr. Harold D. Hunter and Dr. Cecil M. Robeck, Jr.

NOTE:  This e-journal is maximized for Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6.0. A lesser browser will not be able to see Greek and Hebrew characters, among other features. For more information on encoding non-Roman characters, see James Adair, General Editor, TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism.


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