Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic ResearchTable of Contents #5February 1999
Dr. Carmelo Alvarez, Visiting Professor of Church History and Theology, Christian Theological Seminary. "Hispanic Pentecostals: Azusa Street and Beyond." Click here for pdf if you cannot properly see the text in browsers like Safari and Firefox. Dr. David Roebuck. Director, Hal Bernard Dixon Jr. Pentecostal Research Center. "Restorationism and a Vision for World Harvest: A Brief History of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee)." Click here for pdf if you cannot properly see the text in browsers like Safari and Firefox. This paper was prepared for the 18th session of the Pentecostal World Conference which convened September 22-25, 1998 in Seoul, Korea. Dr. David Bundy, Associate Professor of Church History, Christian Theological Seminary. "The Ecumenical Quest of Pentecostalism." Rev. Nils-Olov Nilsson, Sweden. "The Debate on Women's Ministry: Summary and Analysis." Ronald Nathan, United Kingdom. "Pentecostalism and Ethnic and Racial Diversity." This paper was presented to a Padare on Pentecostalism at the World Council of Churches General Assembly which met December 3-14, 1998 in Harare, Zimbabwe.
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