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Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research

Table of Contents #16

January 2007


"The Chinese Expression of Pentecostalism" by Rev. Dr. Timothy Yeung, Ecclesia Bible College, Hong Kong. This paper was read to the Azusa Street Centennial held September 13-14, 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

 "Post-1960s Pentecostalism and the Promise of a Future For Pentecostal Holiness Women Preachers" by Kristen Welch, Teaching Associate at the University of Arizona. This article is an revised excerpt from my Ph.D. dissertation: Oklahoma Preachers, Pioneers, and Pentecostals: An Analysis of the Elements of Collective and Individual Ethos within the Selected Writings of Women Preachers of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church.

"Contemporary Pentecostal Leadership: The Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa as Case Study" by Dr. Mathew Clark,  Head of Department New Testament at Auckland Park Theological Seminary in Johannesburg, South Africa. This paper was read to the Azusa Street Centennial held September 13-14, 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

"The Spirit and Theological Interpretation: A Pentecostal Strategy" by Dr. Kenneth J. Archer, Associate Professor of Theology, Church of God Theological Seminary, Cleveland Tennessee. This paper was presented at the 125th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biblical Literature, November 19-22, 2005, Philadelphia, PA.

"The Prosperity Gospel in Nigeria: A Re-Examination of the Concept, Its Impact, and an Evaluation" by Dr. George O. Folarin, Provost, International Institute of Missions & Biblical Studies, Enugu. This paper was presented at the Conference of Theological Education held from 8 to 10 March 2006 at the Nigeria Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Nigeria

NOTE:  This e-journal is maximized for Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6.0. A lesser browser will not be able to see Greek and Hebrew characters, among other features. For more information on encoding non-Roman characters, see James Adair, General Editor, TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism.


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