Previous News Items
Billed As "Azusa St.
East" a grand celebration of the G.B. Cashwell revival in Dunn, NC will convene
December 31, 2006 - January 3, 2007. For more information, view
this pdf file. Available at
this unique conference will be a Falcon Historical Coverlet. This beautiful
centennial coverlet was commissioned by The Culbreth Memorial Pentecostal
Holiness Church, Falcon, NC, and created by We Love Country. It is 100%
cotton, two-layered, Jacquard woven in the USA, preshrunk, color fast, and
machine washable. It measure approximately 46 x 68 inches and is fringed on all
four sides. Seven scenes from Falcon are featured. Two colors currently
available are black and cream, burgundy and cream. These throws/afghans will be
available for sale at The Harvest Train Celebration on November 21st and during
The Azusa Street East Celebration. At other times, they will be available at the
N.C. Conference or contact
Mrs. Betty Thompson, PO Box 9, Falcon, NC 28342,
910-980-1171 (ph). Click on the image for a larger image.
The family of Rev. H. P. Robinson invites you to visit the web site that honors and shares his life and ministry. The site will primarily feature his sermons and books that span the more than 30 years of his ministry. Other items of interest on the site include a photo gallery, interesting facts about his life, and eventually, audio clips of his preaching. It will be a work in progress with sermons and other material being added monthly. Visit the site at www.hprobinson.com Upcoming
Centennial Celebrations: December 31, 2006 - January 2, 2007 in Dunn, North
Carolina. This celebrates the revival led by G.B. Cashwell that brought the
Azusa St. Revival to the Pentecostal Holiness Church, the Fire-Baptized Holiness
Church and what is now the Pentecostal Free-Will Baptist Church. For more
information, contact conference archivist Mrs. Betty Thompson at
mountgirlb@aol.com In 2010, the
South Carolina Conference will celebrate its centennial. For more information,
contact conference archivists Ref. H. Larry Jones at
hlj3737637@aol.com The IPHC
Archives & Research Center will sponsor a lunch during the
IPHC General Conference in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, July 27, from 12
noon to 2pm. I hope you will plan to join us for this important event. If you
have not registered for the conference or our lunch in particular you can do so
online by going to
http://www.iphc.org/gencon/registeronline.html If you need a print
registration form, please contact Ms. Erica Rutland at (405) 787-7110 x 3132 or
Erica@iphc.org April, 2005: The IPHC Archives & Research Center
recently acquired a Minolta PS 7000. This specialized equipment will allow us to
digitize rare IPHC periodicals like the Holiness Advocates, Apostolic
Evangels, Live Coals of Fire and Live Coals. Here is a photo
of the scanner:
Go here for an editorial in the Pentecostal Holiness Advocate that appeared just after the June 6, 1944 invasion of Normandy, France known as D-Day. Thinking in the Spirit: Theologies of the Early Pentecostal Movement (Indiana University Press, 2003) by Douglas Jacobsen includes sections on J.H. King and G.F. Taylor. March, 2004: The IPHC Archives & Research Center initiated a project with the Assemblies of God Archives that will digitize the entire run of Pentecostal Holiness Advocates (1917-1997). Dr. Harold D. Hunter delivered duplicates of our bound originals to Springfield, MO on February 27, 2004. Updates about our progress will be reported here. In the meantime, samples are temporarily available here. November, 2003: Recent visitors to the IPHC Archives & Research Center include: Kristen Welch, Ph.D. candidate at the University of Arizona; Wilfrid Chau, Chief Deacon, Wing Kwong PHC, Hong Kong; Betty Thompson, Archivist for North Carolina Conference of the PHC. We are delighted to report donations from Rev. Noel Brooks in the United Kingdom. Please note that William T. Purinton finished his Ph.D. dissertation at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in May, 2003 titled "Joseph Hillery King's View and Use of Scripture in the Holiness/Pentecostal Context." Thanks to Dr. Purinton for sending a copy of the dissertation from his current location in Korea. The newest Heritage Partners are Rev. & Mrs. D. Chris Thompson, Lifetime Members. Dr. Daniel Woods, "Failure and Success in the Ministry of T.J. McIntosh, the first Pentecostal Missionary to China," Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research #12. This paper was originally presented at the International Pentecostal Holiness Church Archives Luncheon, 24th General Conference, Cincinnati, OH, August 9, 2001. August 1, 2002: Recent donations from the J.H. King Family and Rev. Bane T. Underwood include three books originally owned by B.H. Irwin. Other originals added to our collection include: F.M. Britton, Pentecostal Holiness Bible Readings (n.d.); R.B. Hayes, Selected Songs (1st edition); J.H. King, From Passover to Pentecost (1914); B.F. Lawrence, The Apostolic Faith Restored (1916); Book of Doctrines (Church of God, 1922); Donald Gee, Concerning Spiritual Gifts (1937); Stanley F. Frodsham, With Signs Following (1941). April 22, 2002: Mr. Daniel López donated materials from his father Rev. Estaban López, a pioneer in the Texas Latin Conference. January 28, 2002: Rev. Charles Bradshaw donated letters as early as 1903 involving A.B. Crumpler, S.D. Page and J.A. Culbreth. January7, 2002: The IPHC Archives & Research Center now houses the G.F. Taylor collection. Dr. Harold D. Hunter has been appointed webmaster for the Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA). July 9, 2001: An original copy of the 1900 document titled "Constitution and General Rules of the Fire-Baptized Holiness Association of America" was donated by Mr. Frank D. Myers. This rare item was passed on to Mr. Myers from his grandfather, William Ambrose Miller. Mr. Miller lived less than two miles from Olmitz, Iowa, the founding site of the FBHA in 1895. A digital copy readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for download (3.5 meg). Mrs. Harrison H. Valentine is the first member of the IPHC Heritage Society for the 2001-2005 Quadrennium. Mrs. Valentine was quickly followed with renewals from Mrs. Ruby Alcorn and Mr. & Mrs. Phillip A. Mooring. The most recent donors of materials are Rev. David Stephens, Mrs. Dovie Clark, Mr. Glennard Quesenberry, and Rev. Carl Sexton. Go here for a press release on the Archives Seminar held May 28 during the 19th Pentecostal World Conference. Five IPHC Conference Archivists were able to attend: Chris Thompson, C.R. Conner, Larry Jones, Paul Oxley and Albert Maggard. May 25, 2001: Legacy #8 (Summer 2001) is available to download for those using the freely distributed Adobe's Acrobat Reader. Dated May 3, 1917, the inaugural issue of the Pentecostal Holiness Advocate is also available as a searchable pdf file [2.4 meg]. View a photo gallery or slides of IPHC Bishops.
Constitution and General Rules of the Fire-Baptized Holiness Church: 1908, Discipline of the Pentecostal Holiness Church: 1908, and Minutes of the First General Convention of the Pentecostal Holiness Church [1911] are now available as searchable pdf files which require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader. Tulsa, OK, March 9, 2001: Five boxes of materials belonging to Bishop Dan T. Muse have been held at the Oral Roberts University Archives for several years. Dr. William Jernigan, Dean of Learning Resources at ORU, released these boxes of original materials from Bishop Muse to Dr. Harold Hunter to be housed in the IPHC Archives & Research Center. Our appreciation extends to Dr. Harold Paul who oversaw the care of the Muse papers these many years. A return visit was made April 23 to pick up three boxes of books from the personal library of Bishop Muse. Early figures from the Fire-Baptized Holiness Church and the Pentecostal Holiness Church are mentioned in "Pentecostalism in India: An Overview" by Dr. Stanley M. Burgess in the Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 4:1 (January 2001). The Heritage of Faith: an Historical Evaluation of the Holiness Movement in America, a 1983 M.A. thesis by Craig Charles Fankhauser, includes a chapter on the Fire-Baptized Holiness Church. Writing on Nora Chambers in the Winter 2001 edition of Lee University Torch, Dr. Charles W. Conn points out that Nora Chambers, the first teacher when the Church of God [Cleveland] Bible school was launched in 1918, had been a student at Holmes Bible School in Altamont, South Carolina. IPHC Conference Archivists: Go here for information on a seminar to be held May 29, 2001 at Angelus Temple in conjunction with the Pentecostal World Conference. Anyone wishing to see our experiment on providing a searchable online inventory, can go to LibraryCom. Enter the library name as "iphcarc" and login as a guest. Once inside LibraryCom, do a sample search for "Synan." The complete list of entries at this point can be see by selecting the Expert tab, then select "Record_#" from the first field of choices then enter "1-100" in the blank box then click the Expert button at the bottom of the page. Our familiar, complete online inventory was updated February 23, 2001. The Second Coming of Jesus (Falcon, NC: 1916) by G.F. Taylor is available online. As an experiment, we are temporarily offering this book as formatted by the freely distributed Microsoft Reader. One must download and install Microsoft's Reader before downloading Taylor's book. The original page breaks and numbers are left unchanged. Two versions are available for now: the first version includes just the printed Table of Contents; the second has Reader's Table of Contents but numerous mismatched pages; . Both versions suffer from leaving pages numbers from the original printing. The excellent navigation system of Ms Reader can be learned in less than five minutes. Microsoft Reader works on PCs, laptops, and Pocket CE devices. Classic books are available for free from Scorpius Digital Publishing and Amazon. Major religious publishers have adopted this as their standard for e-books. See Christianity Today (2/19/01) "Ten Books, Twenty-Two Ounces" by Cindy Crosby. Also see the most recent issue of the Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Studies. Mac users are encouraged to use virtual pc. Major religious publishers are adopting Microsoft Reader for their e-books. Free e-books for Microsoft Reader are available at Amazon. Comments on the usefulness, or lack thereof, of this approach are welcome. The famed A.B. Butler collection of rare IPHC original publications is now available at the IPHC Archives and Research Center. A variety of other early IPHC publications have also been received of late. The Oral History Project was initiated February 22, 2001 with a videotape interview of Rev. Jack D. Goodson. Available for a limited time was a clip from the interview. On display during the December 2000 meeting of the American Academy of Religion was a book on pneumatology by Professor Donald Bloesch. Bloesch acknowledges the contribution to the Pentecostal Movement of the Fire-Baptized Holiness Church from at least 1895. Dr. Harold D. Hunter is now serving as webmaster for the official web of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. The primary pages are being redesigned, but many content pages and a bulletin board are available now. Rev. C.E. Means personally delivered four boxes of IPHC materials to the center. Rev. Carl Sexton, Conference Archivist, donated histories of various local churches in the Upper South Carolina Conference. Aberlene Thomas donated a 1919 picture of the Leaksville-Spray [NC] PHC. Publications by Leon M. Bridges have also been received recently from California. Mrs. Sue Parker quickly sent to us materials from the centennial celebration of the Sandford (NC) Pentecostal Holiness Church. Of particular value is the pictorial review of the congregation's journey. We have a manuscript titled "Other Sheep" dated January 8, 1945 prepared for publication by Irene Snell-Winward. This chronicles the author's service as a missionary in India for the PHC. Let us know if you can help us locate a member of this family Mr. Jonathan Baer spent the first week of August with us doing research on healing for a Ph.D. dissertation at Yale University. Note the fine web by the Igreja Methodista Wesleyana. The Wesleyan Methodist Church (Brazil) has been an affiliate of IPHC since 1983. "Former Pentecostal Holiness General Superintendent B.E. Underwood with Christ," World Pentecost News Online, Pentecostal World Conference The Society for Pentecostal Studies met March 16-18, 2000 at Northwest College. Highlights related to IPHC include the public affirmation of the IPHC Archives & Research Center by Dr. David Bundy. Paper presenters included Dr. Vinson Synan who announced a forthcoming article on G.F. Taylor. Dr. Douglas Jacobson presented a paper that singled out G.F. Taylor and J.H. King. Directors of pentecostal archivists met to plan a seminar in connection with the Pentecostal World Conference in Los Angeles. All IPHC Conference Archivists will be encouraged to participate in this seminar. Congratulations to Marlene Bartlett, Church Historian, for completing a manuscript entitled "The First Pentecostal Holiness Church [Goldsboro, NC]: Church History 1999." An important work by Willis Collins Hoover, a seminal figure in Chilean Pentecostalism, is now available in English thanks to Mario G. Hoover, a grandson of W.C. Hoover. Titled History of the Pentecostal Revival in Chile, the English edition adds much material to the original 1930 publication in Spanish. Orders can be placed at Amazon or directly to Mario G. Hoover. Visit the web by the Pentecostal Methodist Church of Chile. The web page describing their history includes reference to their affiliation with IPHC. Visit the IPHC Timeline. Commentary for this timeline written by Dr. Harold D. Hunter is also linked by sections from various timeline entries. Also available is general information and links to online sources that reveal aspects of life in 1898. Check out select images from the start of the IPHC journey. Here are selected scenes from the visit of Bishop James Leggett to the 1998 General Council of the Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas. A few scenes from the March 1999 seminar for pentecostal and charismatic archivists. View the 1914 certificate of ordination for Garland Jewell signed by Bishop J.H. King and E.D. Reeves. Dr. Harold D. Hunter accepted an invitation from the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, Croatia, to serve as an external reader. The current thesis under review is titled "The Ukrainian Pentecostal Churches' View on Sanctification Compared to the New Testament Teaching." The IPHC Archives & Research Center lacks adequate files of IPHC evangelists and female ministers. Please notify Ms. Erica Rutland of interested persons we may contact. Check out the marvelous web devoted to Rev. Walter L. Smith, former superintendent of the Missouri Conference, managed by Walter L. Smith, Jr. The site boosts pictures and audio files of singing by Rev. Smith and Mr. Irvin Smith. March, 2000: Dr. Harold D. Hunter recently finished articles for the forthcoming 21st Century Encyclopedia of World Religions edited by Dr. J. Gordon Melton. December 6, 1999: Pastor Shuk Yi, Li from the Pentecostal Holiness Church, Inc. Hong Kong arrived today. Pastor Li has been sent by Rev. Donavan Ng to research the history of IPHC in Hong Kong. TIME CAPSULES! An idea whose time has come. In view of the turn of a century along with a new millennium, IPHC Conferences are encouraged to take on such a project this year. Internet search engines provide basic information on most aspects of putting together a Time Capsule. Dr. Harold D. Hunter met with Bishop MacDaniel Preston on March 23, 1999 in Reidsville, North Carolina. Bishop Preston is president of the Greater International Pentecostal Holiness Church, Inc. with headquarters in Martinsville, Virginia. This African-American body of 13 congregations accounting for more than 6,000 members trace their origins back to the IPHC. Much thanks to Dr. Daniel Woods for his assistance in making this connection. Living in tornado alley, the IPHC Archives & Research Center has to plan seriously for disaster. It is for this reason that original microfilms of some of the more important IPHC documents are housed in an underground vault at the Vital Records center operated by Dataplex in Flora, Mississippi. Dr. Harold D. Hunter recently toured the facility to verify that all our records were in order. In March of 1999, the official archives for the IPHC, Church of God (Cleveland) and Assemblies of God began implementing a policy of exchanging duplicates. This provides a wider audience for valuable materials while providing some security against a total loss at any given location. Visit the web by the Pentecostal Methodist Church of Chile. The page describing their history includes reference to their affiliation with IPHC. At the moment, the web has only Spanish text, but an English version is coming. Meanwhile, those who can not read Spanish should consider using a web translator like that mentioned below. Dr. Daniel Woods reported in June, 1999 that the new volume entitled Pentecostal Currents in American Protestantism (Eerdmans, 1999) edited by Edith Blumhofer, Russell Spitler, and Grant Wacker includes historical references to IPHC. May 5, 1999: This morning, Bishop James Leggett issued the following statement to the IPHC RDC in Oklahoma City: "As you know by now, numbers of church members on the south side of the city have been hit. Some of them have lost everything. I saw one of our members being interviewed on T. V. last night. She is the pianist at one of our churches. They came back to their home after the storm to find it was no longer there. A reporter for New York Times was also interviewing her and her husband." It was later reported that 30 homes belonging to IPHC members were completely destroyed and one IPHC family perished in the tornado that reached a record 318 miles an hour. The national media have not said much about Feed the Children, but they have been in the lead from the beginning. Larry Jones sent several trucks around town, especially television stations, to get needed items for the disaster victims. He was one of the first to get the message out Monday night that they would get help those affected by the disaster. The IPHC headquarters in Bethany suffered no damage and Diaster Relief USA is raising money now to assist those in need. The IPHC Heartland Conference is directly involved in providing recovery services. I personally benefited from advance warning on my computer provided by KWTV's Storm Signal. ATTENTION All IPHC Conference Archivists and Local Church Archivists: A one-day workshop was held March 11, 1999 in Springfield, Missouri for pentecostal and charismatic archivists. Hosted by the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, the meeting was jointly organized by Dr. David Roebuck, Director of the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center (Church of God), Rev. Wayne Warner, Director of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, and Dr. Harold D. Hunter, Director of the IPHC Archives and Research Center. At least 32 persons took part in the days proceedings that started at 9am and concluded at 5pm the same day. The meeting attracted a wide range of pentecostal groups and four IPHC Conference Archivists: Rev. Carl Sexton, Upper South Carolina; Rev. Paul Oxley, Georgia Conference; Rev. Larry Jones, South Carolina Conference; and Rev. Albert Maggard, Great Plains Conference. Individual sessions were held on how to collect materials for an archives and proper approaches to cataloging and preserving holdings in a special collection. A panel composed of the organizers and Ms. Kate McKinn, Archivist of the David DuPlessis Archive at Fuller Theological Seminary, fielded a wide range of questions from participants. The day ended with a tour of the vault, study area and museum all newly renovated at a cost of $1 million. A major portion of the unique W. Eddie Morris Collection is now (1998) available at the IPHC Archives and Research Center. Click here for more details. Much thanks to Mrs. Daisy Morris and Dr. Daniel Woods. On October 29, 1997, it was announced to the GBA that there will be two national celebrations in 1998. One was held October 14 in Oklahoma City, the other in Falcon, NC from November 22-24 in conjunction with the annual Harvest Train. Using the theme "Celebrate the Past - Seize the Future," the official logo is available for download at the IPHC web site. Click for some ideas to help local churches celebrate the 1998 IPHC Centennial. Your input is also requested. Among our holdings that are being featured during the centennial are: Blood and Fire - Fire-Baptized Holiness hymnal, c. 1895; The Guide - Fire-Baptized Holiness orphanage in Oklahoma City, publication started in 1897; Live Coals of Fire - Fire-Baptized Holiness paper edited by B.H. Irwin, 1899-1900; Tracts by B.H. Irwin - c. 1895. Please help us locate more rare documents. The Twenty-Seventh Quadrennial General Council of the Fire-Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas, a sister church of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, was held June 9-15, 1998 at 901 Bishop W.E. Fuller, Sr. Highway, Greenville, South Carolina. Presiding at the General Council was Bishop W.E. Fuller, Jr, son of founding Bishop W.E. Fuller, Sr., who served as Assistant General Overseer to Fire-Baptized Holiness Church General Overseer J.H. King in 1905. Bishop James D. Leggett and Dr. Harold D. Hunter were warmly received for the FBHCGA Centennial Celebration on June 11. A warm welcome was likewise extended to Dr. Vinson Synan who participated in a drama on the evening of June 12. Rev. Carl J. Sexton, Conference Archivist for the Upper South Carolina Conference, publishes a regular column in The Tidings under the title "Archives Corner." View his February piece on Bishop W.E. Fuller, Sr. Additional information about Bishop Fuller may be found in "Centennial Moments: William Edward Fuller" by Dr. Vinson Synan in Issachar File (March 1998). Mr. Dillard Wood reports that the Pentecostal Fire-Baptized Holiness Church celebrated her centennial on August 1. The meeting convened at the PFBHC South Carolina Camp Grounds near Westminster, SC. The opening session began at 10am and continued through the evening. Former moderators and the present general moderator participated in the program. Other speakers included Clifton Irwin, Dillard Wood and Bill Preskitt. If anyone has information about the possible relation between the IPHC and Pentecostal Holiness Churches, Inc., led by Presiding Bishop MacDaniel Preston, please contact us at 405-787-7110 and ask for Melissa Peters or Dr. Harold Hunter. Available online is the journal Reconciliation published by the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America. The editors by Harold D. Hunter and Cecil M. Robeck, Jr. In order to view this issue, one must have the freely distributed Adobe Acrobat Reader. This file is 457K. Hyperlinks may be found throughout the document, but particularly on the title page. FALCON HEIRLOOM COVERLET: This beautiful centennial coverlet was commissioned by the Culbreth Memorial Church (Falcon, NC) and created by We Love Country. It is 100% cotton, two-layer, Jacquard woven in the U.S.A., preshrunk, color fast, and machine washable. It measures approximately 46 x 68 inches and is fringed on all four sides. Seven scenes from Falcon are featured. If interested, please contact Mrs. Rose Nelson, PO Box 144, Falcon, NC 28342, 910-980-1162. ATTENTION local church historians. We would like to recommend a resource book to aid this ministry. Please consider "Strategies for Writing Local Church Histories" by Dr. Joseph Byrd. Copies may be ordered from the Hal Bernard Dixon Pentecostal Research Center. The cost is $8.00 a volume plus $3.00 postage. The 1997 University of Mississippi doctoral dissertation by Dr. Daniel Woods titled "Living in the Presence of God: Enthusiasm, Authority, and Negotiation in the Practice of Pentecostal Holiness" may be ordered from ProQuest. The dissertation can be located by executing a search with the author's name. Rev. D. Chris Thompson put together a seminar for local church historians in the North Carolina Conference. At least 100 persons turned up in Falcon, NC on March 28. Featured speakers were Dr. Harold D. Hunter, Director of IPHC Archives & Research Center and Dr. Daniel Woods. We are searching for pictures of B.H. Irwin. Please let us know if you can help. The Society for Pentecostal convened March 12-14, 1998 in Cleveland, TN. Sessions included three papers on IPHC. The presenters were Rev. William Purinton, Dr. Dan Woods, and Mr. Stan York. All three authors have utilized holdings at the IPHC Archives & Research Center, in fact two traveled to Oklahoma City itself. Other participants included Dr. Vinson Synan and Dr. Harold D. Hunter.