PCTII Newsletter #12Winter 1998
A few dissertations of interest. Dr. Paulson Pulikottil created a forum at Deja News for online discussion. It is called: dejanews.members.misc.pulikottil.upper-room.It is described as a forum for the academic discussion of Pentecostalism in its various forms: Classical, neo or third wave. If you are already registered for My Deja News, go here to join our new forum http://www.dejanews.com/%5BST_uf=1%5D/rg_join.xp?m=1&u=archives@pctii.org&g=dejanews.members.misc.pulikottil.upper-room Or, if you haven't registered for My Deja News, go here http://www.dejanews.com/%5BST_uf=1%5D/rg_join.xp?u=archives@pctii.org&g=dejanews.members.misc.pulikottil.upper-room The Academic Track of the 18th Pentecostal World Conference held
September 21, 1998 in Seoul, Korea was hosted by the Yoidoo Full Gospel Church. Dr.
Young-Hoon Lee was the primary organizer of this event which produced a new academic group
named Asian Pentecostal Society. The Asian Journal of Pentecostal
Studies is now available online.
A start has been made on listing a schedule of academic conferences. The next EPCRA conference will be held during the third week of July 1999 at the Missionsakademie in Hamburg, Germany. For more information, please contact Dr. Jean-Daniel Pluss. View a document produced by a Seminar on Ecumenism sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Unity which convened August 6 in Mexico. Available online temporarily is a ten-minute "Glimpse In To Brighton
'91" featuring Archbishop George Carey and Professor Jurgen Moltmann. The
original video tape was recorded on a camcorder and suffers from audio deficiencies.This
1.8K file uses the freely distributed RealPlayer 5.0 or
later. Designed for those with 28.8 modem connections, the download should take ten
minutes. Of course, Internet congestion will influence download time and viewing quality. Take note of Daniele Herbieu-Leger, "'What Scripture Tells Me': Spontaneity and Regulation within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal," in Lived Religion in America: Toward A History of Practice (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997) 22-40. The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) Study Group "Charismatic Themes in Luke-Acts" will meet on Friday morning, November 20, 1998. The time is 8:40am - 12noon. This discussion and study group, which was formed to explore Luke's ideas about and theology of the Holy Spirit, has a steering committee composed of the following people: Dr. Terry Cross, Dr. Paul Elbert (Chair), Dr. Trevor Grizzle, Dr. Charles Holman, Dr. Craig Keener, Dr. James Shelton, and Dr. Bill Simmons. The ETS national meeting will be at the Raddison Hotel, Orlando, Florida, November 19-21. This is the 50th annual meeting of this society. The program is as follows: "Towards an Understanding of Luke's Expectations for Theophilus Re the Lukan Gift of the Holy Spirit," Dr. Paul Elbert, Lee University; Response, Professor I. Howard Marshall, University of Aberdeen; "The Paradigmatic Function of Acts 2 in Luke's Theology of the Spirit," Dr. Ben Aker, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary; Response, Dr. William Larkin, Columbia Biblical Seminary and Graduate School of Missions; "Spirit Reception: Luke vis-a-vis Paul," Dr. Charles Holman, Regent University; Response, Dr. James Shelton, Oral Roberts University. For more information, contact Dr. Paul Elbert. The inaugural issue of PCCNA's Reconciliation has been printed by the Assemblies of God and shipped to various headquarters (7/10/98). An online version is available. The print version will be distributed to pastors in PCCNA-member churches by their respective headquarters. On June 11, the Pentecostal Theological Association of Southern Africa was launched in Johannesburg. Dr. Mathew Clark, chair, announces an international conference in August 1999 and a newsletter shortly. Dr. Dennis Erasmus serves as secretary. Three additional committee members are: Cr. Christo van den Berg (publications), Dr. Francois Moller (ecumenism), and Dr. Pieter Grabe. The current issue of Christian History 58 (17:2) is devoted to North American Pentecostalism. Dr. Paulson Pulitotill offers a brief report on the May meeting of Pentecostal theologians in India. One of the papers delivered at this meeting will be published in a future issue of the Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research. The third round of talks between the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) and Pentecostals was held in Kappel, Switzerland. Steve Hayes in South Africa offers instructions for utilizing two online Christian theology groups. The next issue of the Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research available in July will include the final report from the Fourth Phase of the International Dialogue 1990-1997 between the Roman Catholic Church and some Classical Pentecostal Churches and Leaders. Available online is a revealing response from Dake Publishing to charges of racism in the Dake Annotated Reference Bible made public by Fred Price. "Latino Pentecostalism - A Bibliographic Introduction" by Arlene Sanchez-Walsh is now available in the Evangelical Studies Bulletin 15:1 (Spring 1998). Dr. Allan H. Anderson, author of the highly regarded Bazalwane and like works, is now Director of the Centre for the Study of New Religious Movements at Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, UK. He has also instituted a postgraduate "Programme for the Study of World Pentecostalism." The next EPTA conference will be held this July in England. The topic of Spirit baptism will be addressed by Dr. James Dunn, Dr. Max Turner and Rev. David Pawson.